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The Modern Age of Cahyali

Reappearance of Mordrik Island

The Space Between; Echoes of Another - Ran by Zoe Kogut (@shadowthorn15), Zachary Evans (@aieslwz), and Simeon Rice (@foxtrot_mulder)

Autumn of 10081 SF

On the third day of the sixth month, a haunting melody was heard across Vervand as the island of Mordrik, which mysterously vanished nearly 8400 years ago, reappeared off the coast of Vervand. Initial studies show an unseen energy emanating from and surrounding the island and the public has been advised to stay away.

This strange energy is believed to believed to be connected to the instability of elemental magic currently affecting Ulos, reported issues of connecting to spirits in the Kurago,, and other strange phenomena. Adventurers are contracted by the government of Vervand to investigate…

This is an ongoing event as of Spring 2024! Check back for updates.

Ruefang-Raikougan Second Civil War

Autumn of 10081 SF

Spurred by the strip-mining of the Raikougan land for the Ars Machina Engine and the brutality of the Turtle Bay Massacre - an event where hundreds of lives were lost on both sides - open war is but a straw away from fully breaking out between continental Ruefang and the Archipelago.

A terrorist organization named the Vengeful Storm pushes for a full Raikougan invasion of the continent, while the Shogunate desires only to break free from Ruefang control. Loyalists on Juuken Island, meanwhile, stay staunchly allied with the Ruefang Continental Army.

After the defeat and exposing of Zuanshi Hua, the Ruefang Commissions are thrown into chaos, and the Army makes its move to solidify themselves as a proper power in Ruefang government…

This is an ongoing event as of Spring 2024! Check back for updates.

The Ars Machina Incident

Summer of 10081 SF

Fall 2023 Newbie Campaign: Smoke & Steel

Following a long period of corruption and abnormal leyline activity isolating the country of Ruefang from itself, the Chongbai-based company Zuanshi Steelworks unveils its newest invention: the Ars Machina Engine, a locomotive capable of transporting people and goods as it runs along the leylines themselves! However, dissenters and scholars claim that the operation of this engine will not solve Ruefang's problems: instead, its operation may exacerbate the corruption of the land even more…

Days after the unveiling, a leading engineer on the Engine is murdered under mysterious circumstances. Adventurers are hired to investigate the murder, as well as look into suspicious actions of Hu Lan, an army general - discovering intent to stoke flames of war, all leading back to Zuanshi Hua, Commissioner of Industry, and the train project. In a battle to free Zuanshi Wei, inventor of the Engine, Hu Lan is killed.

Others are hired on by the Jaernian company Lithicore Mining, who has set up a headquarters near Tiancheng City in the north and seems to be importing advanced cybernetic technology developed off-plane. These adventurers assist a small underground resistance in fighting back against the company. Thanks to the help of these adventurers, Charles Lithicore falls and the Ranch comes under the control of its workers.

Still more adventurers investigate the mystical side of Ruefang, discovering and awakening the five great slumbering Long, guardian dragons of the land. They also discover the machinations of corrupted spirits who may be tangled up in the Ars Machina affair as well… seeking to use the engine to transport themselves and their influence across Cahyali. They devise a ritual to stabilize the lines, getting rid of the corruption that plagues the land.

Events come to a head as the Engine launches on schedule midday of 6/5 - however, every passenger car is left behind, as adventurers appear to have disconnected the engine and front security car from the rest of the train. Alone, these two cars speed ahead, and a fierce battle takes place: Zuanshi Hua, Charles Lithicore, and a coagulation of corrupted spirits face down the valiant efforts of adventurers and their allies, only to be defeated in the end as the engine approaches the leyspring.

As it passes the spring, the ritual is completed: using the effect of the train running over the spring, the leylines are finally stabilized. Leyline poisoning symptoms ease across the country, and the fog over the Sea of Fog finally begins to clear. The Engine is crashed on an uninhabited island, its control panel found completely bricked and inoperable. While this affair is over, war still rages on in the Raikougan…

Azeroth Invades Nahrūl

Summer of 10078 SF

Spring 2020 Coordinated Campaign: Terror of the Nightmare King

The land of Nahrūl is drawn into a dark demiplane controlled by the Nightmare King, a powerful demonic figure known as Azeroth. Nahrūl is his first stepping stone for a future assault on all of Cahyali as he seeks to conquer the entire world and add it to his domain. However, the efforts of adventurers defeated Azeroth, freeing Nahrūl from his tyranny and dispelling the dark cloud laying over the island.

Druidic Assault on Ley'Ork Spire

Autumn of 10077 SF

Fall 2020 Newbie Campaign: Nature's Wrath

The existence of a leyspring within the Null Labyrinth became known to Ley'Orkian industrialists based in New Spire City, and they began preparing to claim it as a source of energy. This brought them into conflict with a druidic cult led by a nature spirit known as Kali, who retaliated with an assault on Ley'Ork Spire.

Through the efforts of adventurers, Ley'Ork was saved from Kali and her followers - through this, the industrialists were cemented as leaders of Ley'Ork in the Spire and in Metro.

Ley'Ork Annexes Kainoa

Spring of 10059 SF

After a long period of heavy presence in the southeastern Ulosian province of Kainoa, Ley'Ork suddenly moved in a large military presence and declared its annexation of the volcanic island chain. Its young monarch, Queen Pua'lani Kainoa, has been extradited to New Spire City and has not been heard from since the annexation. Tensions have risen steadily ever since, though Ulos has not yet made an official move nor a statement.

Pthoran Ember Army Rises

Winter of 10003 SF

An ever-destabilizing governmental system known as the Throneless, coming off the tails of a string of dictators, was overthrown in 10003 by Katerina Zimina and her Ember Army. With relentless propaganda and charisma, she took absolute control of Pthora as its new dictator. Ever since, Pthora has been under its rule, and the Ystervius have been sent out as intelligence operatives, silently spreading the Ember Army's ideals and goals across the world. Being human, it is unknown how Zimina has retained her iron grip on the country for the better part of a century…

history/modernagec.1704248916.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/03 02:28 by quiddlesticks