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Creature Categories

These types categorize all creatures in the AQ: Jaern system into a few easy-to-use categories, with no exceptions. Some creatures may have more than one type - for instance, a dracolich would be both a draconic and an undead creature. All player characters are actors, with the exception of Supernatural Origin races, who are both actors and another creature type depending on the species group.

Each category also has a unique symbol, which is used as shorthand to indicate the category in various materials.

Being Components

These detail what most members of a certain creature category have: this is not all-encompassing. For example, soulless humanoid creatures exist, while there may be some ensouled artificial creatures out there for one reason or another. A creature can live without a soul or a spirit, though they rarely survive the process of losing one of these. In short, each Being Component is as follows:

  • Soul: A metaphysical connection to the divine. Creatures without souls cannot wield divine magic, but are also immune to any effect that may target their soul.
  • Spirit: Similar to a soul; a metaphysical connection to the Kurago and other non-divine planes. Creatures without spirits cannot wield nomadic magic, but are also immune to any effect that may target their spirit. This component is distinct from the Spirit creature category.
  • Lifeforce: Creatures without a lifeforce are considered simply animate, not alive, and cannot be healed unless targeted by an effect specifically meant to heal them.

These Being Components are not necessarily tied to creature type, but are still important. It should be noted on a stat block if a creature is incorporeal or mindless:

  • Body: The physical, material part of a creature. Creatures without bodies are incorporeal and cannot be affected by most physical damage.
  • Mind: The logical and emotional part of a creature that provides it intelligence. Mindless creatures cannot be affected by certain psionic spells.


Actors are people, including all player characters/adventurers and non-player characters (NPCs). They populate most civilized settlements and are generally intelligent at a basic level. Actors may be further broken down by their racial group or specific race (e.g. Actor, Avian or Actor, Dwarf).

Soul: Yes Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Aquatic ♆

These creatures live primarily underwater, under the domain of Neptune. They may be anything from simple animals to fierce monsters. Delineation as a Marine creature is what affects a creature’s eligibility to be used in Neptune/Vahrun's Wild Form.

Soul: Varies Spirit: Varies Lifeforce: Yes

Artificial ⛯

Artificial creatures are built by mortal hands. These include golems, robots, etc. The majority are not intelligent, built to serve a specific purpose and sticking to it. Small artificial creatures often serve as familiars. They may be built out of organic or inorganic materials.

Soul: No Spirit: No Lifeforce: No

Demonic/Infernal 🜏

Also known as fiends, demonic creatures come from the Beneath or a similar hellish plane. They often feed on mortal souls, and frequently clash with the divine. Demonic creatures have a variety of origins: many are spawned out of the Beneath’s landscape itself, while others are fallen celestial creatures or corrupted mortal souls.

Soul: Yes Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Divine 𐙟

Also known as angels, most divine creatures are godly creations, meant to be executors of gods’ wills or keepers of their realms. Most divine creatures serve their gods wholeheartedly, with those who betray their deities facing dire consequences.

Soul: Yes Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Draconic 🜘

This category includes dragons of all sorts, drakos, and other creatures related to dragons in some way. Draconic creatures are usually somewhat reptilian, and wield powerful innate magic.

Soul: Yes Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Eldritch 𐙀

Beings beyond mortal comprehension, hailing from alien worlds or the Void. The motives and thoughts of eldritch creatures are entirely unknowable, ranging from enigmatically benevolent to entirely amoral to actively hostile.

Soul: No Spirit: No Lifeforce: Yes

Elemental 🝔

Elemental creatures hail from one of the elemental planes or an overlap between them, and are composed entirely of condensed elemental energy. Some are intelligent, and some are not - this is usually dependent on how much energy is concentrated inside them.

Soul: No Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Spirit ✧

A broad term referring to many sorts of spiritual beings, including the Fae/Dreamt of the vast and whimsical Dreaming, as well as the ghostly denizens of the Kurago. Other extraplanar beings such as djinn are also considered spirits.

Soul: No Spirit: Yes Lifeforce: Yes

Terrestrial ♁

Including land-walking beasts and plants of all sorts, terrestrial creatures are borne of the earth and of nature itself. They are not usually intelligent, though some can be, whether Awakened by casters or otherwise. Delineation as a Terrestrial creature is what affects a creature’s eligibility to be used in Osiris' Wild Form.

Soul: Varies Spirit: Varies Lifeforce: Yes

Undead 𐤀

Created by powerful earth magic or divine power, undead creatures are beings that have died, and somehow been raised from beyond the grave. Some, like vampires and liches, are intelligent - while others, like most skeletons and zombies, are not.

Soul: Varies Spirit: Varies Lifeforce: No

Creature Sizes

The size of a creature is denoted by a number ranging from -2 to 4. The higher this number, the larger the creature is. All adventurers are considered size 0, from the shortest gnomes to tallest giantkin - unless a magical effect or perk states otherwise.

Size Description
-2 Too small to fight unless in large groups. These are mostly less than 2 feet tall. A size -2 creature can pass through and stop in another creature’s space during combat. These are equivalent to an Endwarf finessed once.
-1 Small, but can often make stands against creatures larger than them. They are usually about 2-4 feet tall. Size -1 creatures can pass through, but not stop in other creatures’ spaces during combat. These are equivalent to an unfinessed Endwarf.
0 The same size as most people. All adventurers are size 0 creatures. They range around 4-8 feet tall. Size 0 creatures have no abilities or disabilities due to their size.
1 A good bit larger than people, easily able to be ridden, about 8-20 feet tall. These are equivalent to an unfinessed Enmass.
2 Even larger, from 20-50 feet tall. Size 2 creatures’ melee range is increased by 5’. These are equivalent to an Enmass with one finesse. Occupies a 2×2 space on a typical square battle grid.
3 From 50 - 100 feet tall. Size 3 creatures’ melee range is increased by 10’. These are equivalent to an Enmass with two finesses. Occupies a 3×3 space on a typical square battle grid.
4 Truly colossal, reaching the size of moons or even whole planets. One should hope to never face a Size 4 creature in combat…
lore/creatures/categories.1715559540.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/12 20:19 by quiddlesticks