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Settings on Jearn

The Rhine Archipelego - Islands of High Adventure, notably includes Centralia, home to the Centralia Wizards Guild

The Lojem Region - A large archipelego, brimming with excitement. Notably includes Rougtero, a robust center of trade.

Ageron - A newly discovered heavily populated landmass on Jaern.

Irlany - Monarchy ruled island country on Jaern.

Geleia - Jaern's oldest large land mass

The Great Rice Patty - An area of Jaern that provides a lot of staple food crops.

Kratal - The Dwarven continent

Akvobentyle - This island is overrun by vast rainforests, and rumors tell of ruins of a previous society.

Jaernian Factions

Settings Elsewhere

Other GM Settings - GMs can document their own settings here.

Rokugan - The feudal Empire of Rokugan (No longer being used, linked for informational purposes)

T'or's Laws - T'or's Laws

Planes of Existence - Planes other than Jaern's that may be accessed by various means.

settings.1613954557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/21 19:42 by eliu