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The Dreamt go by many names. Many call them fey or faeries, some refer to them simply as spirits, and many realms have their own local names for them. Ruefang knows the Dreamt as Jing, for instance, and Vervand calls them the Daliad.

All these titles, though, refer to the same group of enigmatic beings. Dreamt, fittingly named, are borne from the thoughts, desires, and dreams of mortals in their home plane of the Dreaming. Over time, they have developed into their own people, still linked to the thoughts of mortals.

Courts & Nanchons

The Dreamt, like any other sentient people, organize themselves into “nations” of a sense. In Dearmad Agrad, the part of the Dreaming linked to Jaern, the Dreamt live in several grand Courts, which each have their own structure and attitudes. The Courts of Agrad are each political entities in their own right, as or more powerful than a mortal nation.

The Courts are each named after a season, or a time of day. The Dreamt residing within tend to look incredibly different, and each has an association with a form of magic wielded by mortals; elemental and sometimes psionic.

In Ochr Arall, the part of the Dreaming associated with Cahyali, the world is wilder. There are no organized structures here, not like the Courts. Instead, the Dreamt of Ochr Arall are more loosely organized by the regions of Cahyali they sprung from. Due to the colonization brought by the Dahabu Empire, different folkloric traditions have managed to touch and mix, giving rise to a more unified Cahyalian Dreaming.

However, each tradition still remains distinct. Mortals and Dreamt alike refer to these groups as Nanchons, the Dahabi Elvish word for “nation”. These are named after the place on Cahyali from where they originate. They are not aligned with any particular sort of magic.

Old Dreamt

The term “archfey” is a vague one. It can refer to just about any Dreamt with enough power and influence, but many who fit this bill also happen to be Old Dreamt. These differ from their fey kin in that they are not born from passing thoughts and individual dreams, but rather from deep-running desires and concepts common among mortalkind.

They shun the contact of fey and waking beings alike and simply are, though there are rare occasions of these beings making deals with the waking races in exchange for power. Otherwise, these beings simply exist, wandering and watching over the dreaming and waking worlds.

Some notable Old Dreamt include:

  • The Carrion King. An ancient Cahyalian Dreamt of the Oxian Nanchon associated with rot and decay. Stories surrounding him

Types of Dreamt

The forms of the Dreamt are as varied as the dreams they spring from. Many are not listed here. If you want to design your own Dreamt, they can take quite literally any appearance. The list below

lore/creatures/dreamt.1715572094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/12 23:48 by quiddlesticks