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Dragons have been with mortals for millennia. Some are feared as destroyers of cities and villages alike, some are revered as gods, and some are respected as fellow keepers of the world. A dragon is a Great Beast, perhaps the oldest to be categorized as such and the most common - though seeing a dragon is always an awe-inspiring event.

Appearance-wise, dragons are massive creatures with a mostly reptilian appearance. They may have anywhere from zero to four legs and may or may not have wings. All dragons are sentient with intellects equal to or greater than mortals, though they have many lesser kin - such as drakos and wyverns - which are just animals. Lesser dragonkin are detailed at the end of this page.

Dragons are capable of wielding great elemental power, drawn from the natural magic which suffuses the world. They are most well known for their breath weapons, though many are also adept spellcasters. Some myths state that the first mages in the world, long before magic was taught through schools and guilds, learned from dragons.

Types of Dragon

Dragons are as diverse as they are widespread, though there are a few general types they fall into. These have been compared to the different races which exist amongst mortals.

Classical Dragon

Usually referred to simply as a dragon, this type has four legs and two wings and a distinctly reptilian appearance, with bright scales and a head crowned with horns. They are what most think of immediately when the word “dragon” is mentioned. These dragons come in many forms, though many are attuned to fire or lightning and tend to nest high in mountainous caves.


Also spelled “Lung”, this type of dragon is somewhat more mammalian. They have four legs and no wings, yet fly anyways via magic. They tend to have a mane of fur down their backs and a tufted tail, as well as branched horns. These dragons are an important cultural icon in Ruefang, Cahyali, but some also exist on Jaern. It is unclear if Jaernian Long originated from Cahyali, or if they are an offshoot of regular Jaernian dragons.

Sea Dragon

These are important to distinguish from sea serpents, which are not sentient creatures. Sea dragons are far larger than other dragons, often bigger than even the largest sailing ships. They are thought to be native to Jaern. They may or may not have legs and wings, though either way they rarely have more than two pairs of either. Sea dragons also sport gills.

History: Jaern

Jaernian dragons originated with Jaernian humanoids on Torandor. Not much is known about how they came to be, or how the Torandorans interacted with them. What is known, though, is that when Torandor's destruction was imminent, they pooled their magic to escape into a safe pocket dimension, where they would remain in slumber.

A deal was struck with mortals: after two hundred years, a return portal was to be opened and the dragons would be let into the new world - assuming one was found. However, in the chaos of Jaern's advent, this deal was forgotten and the dragons would remain in slumber for more than two millennia more.

In 10061, four obelisk artifacts keeping the dragons' slumber active were activated, making good on the forgotten promise. The portal opened, the dragons were awakened, and they returned to the world. Ever since, dragons have mostly been keeping to themselves, and those which cause problems are usually dealt with rather quickly by adventurers.

Jaernian Dragon Worship: The Cult of Kelvar: On Jaern, there is an esoteric religion spreading which worships dragons, particularly one named Kelvar which ascended to divinity before the destruction of Most of this worship is now centered on the island of Keer'Levex. Most Jaernian dragons do not give much heed to dragon worshipers, though some enjoy being the subjects of reverence.

Draconic Lizards: This race, resembling small bipedal dragons without wings, was found within Kratalian mountains in the late 10070s, having lived in subterranean cities unknown to the world all that time. It is thought by some that close proximity to draconic magic transformed semi-aquatic lizards into new forms, more similar to dragons. Some also believe that dragons created the draconic lizards, much like they did with the drakos.

History: Cahyali

Cahyalian dragons originated in the part of Cahyali within Esrior's Fold: that which is known to those inhabiting it. Before mortal civilization existed, they ruled Cahyali, having their own civilization. Millennia ago, though, the Fold did not exist and dragons traveled outside, to other continents. There they made contact with the Strygarii, another form of Great Beast.

A war would spark after a long time of tense cohabitation, named the Stormwing Calamity. So bloody and destructive was this war that it nearly destroyed burgeoning dwarven and human civilization, sending some of them running across the sea into modern-day Pthora and Shinneok.

After the war ended, many dragons isolated themselves, fearing total destruction. Some left behind their mortal forms, leaving in spiritual form for the Kurago or striking deals with gods to become servitors. Those which remained would become significant in the cultures of Ruefang and Vervand.

Long of Ruefang: In Ruefang, a group of Long would assist in driving off a demonic invasion in the late 7800s. This act elevated the Long, and dragons as a whole, to a position of extreme reverence. Even today, the Long remains the primary symbol of Ruefang as a nation. Dragons are considered to be god-like beings, and temples across Ruefang are set up in their honor.

The Long would mysteriously disappear in the 8200s, and would not be seen again in Ruefang until 10081. A group of five arrived to assist in calming the disturbed Ruefang leyspring and cleansing a group of corrupted spirits which had been driving the Ars Machina Engine, a magical train which threatened the integrity of the leyspring and all of Ruefang.

Dragons of Vervand: [WIP]

Lesser Dragonkin

Many dragonlike creatures exist across both Jaern and Cahyali: cousins of dragons, but not dragons proper. These are referred to as lesser dragonkin. Some are simply relatives of dragons in the same way that monkeys are relatives to humans, and some are lesser creations of dragons. The status of draconic lizards as lesser dragonkin is hotly debated, so they are not included here.


Also known in some places as drakes, drakos resemble classical dragons, with the exception that they have no wings. They are also attuned to elemental power, though to a significantly weaker degree than true dragons. They are usually about the size of a horse or bear, though under certain circumstances they can become far larger.

Drakos come in a few variations, named for their elements: Aerodrako (air), Terodrako (earth), Fajrodrako (fire), Akvodrako (water), and Glaciodrako (ice). A drako is about as intelligent as a bear, and most are solitary creatures. They are predators, hunting larger game such as deer and tuna in their natural habitats. They can be tamed, though this is rare and usually only possible through magical power such as that granted by Osiris.

Drakos were created by true dragons through powerful magic thousands of years ago, when mortals were only barely starting to settle down into agricultural villages. When Torandor was destroyed, many drakos managed to make the trip, and have happily repopulated Jaern since. As for Cahyali, drakos were created before the Stormwing Calamity, when dragons were the undisputed masters of the continent, and have become just like regular animals since.


The wyvern is the flying cousin of the drako. It has two back legs, and its front limbs are wings. They come in all the same elemental variations as drakos and are believed to have a similar origin, being created by true dragons millennia ago.

They are slightly smaller and more social than drakos, and form packs of family groups to hunt and raise young. They tend to eat smaller game, and people often see them as “wolves of the sky”. Due to this social aspect, wyverns are far easier to tame than drakos. Some nomadic rondos on Jaern and the people of the Oxis Alliance on Cahyali have tamed wyverns, using them as flying mounts.

Wyvern tamers say that they are quite intriguing creatures, each with their own colorful personality, but one thing you have to watch out for is the breath weapon. And the piss - the piss reeks something awful.


With no legs and no wings, the wyrm is a subterranean cousin of the dragon which is believed to be a natural ancestor. It is somewhat smaller than a true dragon, and few are over ten feet long. They live in large cave systems, feeding on whatever they can find. More recently, some wyrms have come to the surface, though they still dislike bright lights and tend to stick to dense forests.

Wyrms are rare, with about the intelligence of a snake or bird of prey. Due to their relatively poor intellect, attempts to tame wyrms have never quite succeeded, save for particularly bold young druids and Osiris worshipers who make a game out of riding them and seeing how long they can stay on the feisty creatures' backs.

lore/creatures/greatbeasts/dragons.1714455989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/30 01:46 by quiddlesticks