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The History of Jearn

The written history of Jearn is compiled from a variety of separate accounts, transcribed here in this library by the archivists of the Centralia Guild of Wizards. Work is constantly being done to fill in the gaps of knowledge and create a more objective record of events. If you believe you possess knowledge taht is not presented in this library, please contact the Head Archivist and arrange a meeting1).

Lost Records (pre-10038)

The Age of Reckoning (10038 - 10044)

  • The gods were killed, and many priests lost their divine connection. Slowly, the gods began to return.
  • The Ordination spell group was researched during this time2).
  • The Great War of Lojem occurred during this time.
  • The reign of the Rougtero Council of 10044 began. This naturally led to the current state of the Rougtero City Council, founded in 10047.

The Great Plague (10044 - 10048)

The Jalera Reign (10049 - 10052)

Lost Records (10053 - 10054)

The Hegemony Scourge (10055 - 10056)

Lost Records (10057 - 10060)

Purge of the Kurago (10061 - 10063)

Lost Records (post-10064)

Please message the current Story Coordinator if you have something that should be added or see something that should be edited
This group was orginally inteded so that priests could regain their divine spells. It is reserved for NPC priests to induct characters into a priesthood
There is a snippet that hints at a 'Dragon Returning' plot. If you know about this, please message the Story Coordinator
history.1614050826.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/22 22:27 by eliu