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The continent Ageron is actually fairly old, created by earth mages via the recently rediscovered Mountain spell and spread out over time. The island itself has a population of over 200,000, but attempted to remain uncharted for as long as it could, due to the power and terror of stories told about adventurers on the outside islands. Having remained rather peaceful, the island(s) actually ceased to exist for about 30 years. Reasons for this are unknown, but it has returned, causing nothing more than a small tidal wave upon re arrival. Signs point to a massive psionic malfunction in the city of Uzumi playing with time magics. The island itself consists of several large landpoints and cities, which are described below. The island of Ageron is 270 miles long, by 140 miles wide.

Vesuna The capital city. Its population is nearing 125,000 people, the majority of which are humans, lizards, and elves. The current reigning King's name is Nicol Bowarn, and has been reigning since his ascension to the throne at age 35. He is a proficient mage and alchemist and would rather spend his time tinkering away than deliberating politics. Rumor has it he has found the elixir for immortality, but this is not backed up by any basis. The rest of the city survives well on farming, minor mage work, and trade with Firehammer Hold for iron and other like goods. While this is the capital, unless necessary the majority of the power is delegated to the mayors of each other town, and they take a more passive stance on most political issues. It has been seen though, that if the system needs a fix, Nicol will not hesitate to help the people.

Uzumi, City of the Psions: Pop: 2,300. This city is as it sounds, however, it is almost more fortified than the capital itself. Those in the city itself are extremely prejudiced towards non-psions, which is determined at the gates of the city. Completely reliant on food crops from Vesuna, this city's small population spends its time almost purely in research of psionics, psionic artifacts, medicine, and just being racist against orcs. To this day, not many people know why this is, and it has just been passed down from generation to generation. Orcs have been known to disappear at night…. while this hasnt happened to non-psions, they still extremely dislike them and consider them inferior mentally. This city has no temples, and chooses to rely on its own means and strength to heal anyone who is sick.

Markduk, City of Privateers: Pop: 5000, but rising. As a result of the formerly pirate crews banding together, the way this city behaves has changed immensely. The government is now a form of tribunal, where the four pirate captains meet and discuss issues. A mayor has been appointed as the head of this group, but if you ask most anyone around town they will tell you that the real one in power prefers to stay out sight. The city now hires out its crews and ships as mercenary protection for the various merchant ships that traverse the oceans of jaern, which is proving to be quite profitable. This isn't to say that the city has become a law abiding dream. There are still plenty of opportunities to find shady activities going on, and rumor has it that if someone needed something stolen, this would be the place to come. 1)

Firehammer Hold: Pop: 13,750. This dungeon keep is stocked almost exclusively by dwarves. Comprised mostly of miners, blacksmiths, and artificers, this city gets the majority of its food from Vesuna's farmers in exchange for trading metal materials and gemstones. The city, while not the most open to visitors due to its remote location enterance, is very hospitable to those who choose to visit and assist them in their needs.(I have plans for this-Nathan R.)

Northface Pop: 32,000. A fairly large city located at the north end of Ageron. Located on a cliffside, it is continuously windy, which has led to windmills and very primitive forms of electricity and lighting.

Divide River: This river connects from both sides of the ocean, and twice a day with the tides switches flow direction. Beyond it, there is one massive desert, named Kroan.

Kroan: Pretty massive desert, not a lot of travelers due to no interesting destinations beyond it besides Markduk City. Temperatures can reach upwards of 120* F here.

Koth (Island) This island is fairly thin, meaning exploration has been quick. Its very swampy and wet, leading the 3 branches to be very difficult to inhabit for those that arent lizards. The one city is Toth, which is described below.

Toth, City of Necromancers: Pop 15,000. While by no means is everyone here a necromancer, this place has been the thorn in the side of the kingdom. Necromancers vieing for power here usually try to attack the city with hoards of the undead, causing casulties. The city has responded by mandating that all citizens perform military service, and the city is constantly ready to defend its walls.

Gaea (island): as of yet, this island is very unexplored. Rumors talk of a species stronger than those seen before…. There is only 2 towns, Darnation (this one is responsible for all the island politics) and Weto, which is mainly just a small town of farmers, hunters, and gatherers. Not much contact with the other islands. (running games here for now - Dan)

Darnation Pop: 19,000. City is fairly straightforward. They are still setting up and exploring Gaea, but have a nice city with a port going. (will be running games here - Dan)

Weto Pop: 1056. Currently just hunters and farmers. There is a single dirt road to Darnation, but it is covered by growth due to not being used. Will update as stuff happens. (will be running games here - dan)

Southern Forest of Ageron: Somewhere inside, there is said to be a lost elven city in the treetops, but to this day nobody has seen any evidence of it. The forest ends near Firehammer Hold, and goes west to the largest river of the continent.

Before running a game from here, it would be great if you added it to the calendar on the page, just to avoid any overlaps. -Bradley
settings/ageron/ageron.1457332481.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/01 16:31 (external edit)