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  • Government Type: Socialist Democracy
  • Symbol: Three Eyes
  • Major Races: Lizards, Humans, Elves
  • Major Cities: Menghormati, Szczyet, Cheonsuwon, New Dubroshire, Moku'pele

Ulos is an archipelago nation, with a tropical climate and natural beauty known the world over. On its largest island of Mistik is the eponymous Mistik Ravine, with waterfalls stretching for miles. Magic is strong, yet unpredictable within Ulos; perhaps this is because the border between the Mistik Ravine and the Elemental Plane is thin, or perhaps due to strange ore found in the islands' land.

The nation of Ulos is widely regarded as the center of the arcane arts in Cahyali, having one of the highest concentrations of magic users. The beachy climate of Ulos provides a respite from the thundering dangers of the outside world. With little economic disparity, Ulos prides itself on art, culture, and the creative productions of its people. Less populous than most other areas of the world, the people that do live in Ulos live in relative comfort, deriving their livelihoods from the skills they acquire.

Education is the second emblem of Ulos, as its relative ease of access to citizens provides for a reasonable standard of living. Over 90% of Ulosian citizens are literate. Those who reject the traditional lifestyle of Ulos tend toward a life of fishing - finding solace in solitude. Ulos itself marks a massive division between salt and freshwater, providing extreme marine biodiversity. Some of the more powerful mages of Ulos have themselves experimented on the outskirts of the salty waters, attempting to peer into the depths of magic itself in search of knowledge…

Not content to excel in magical matters alone, Ulos' position as a gateway between Eastern and Western Cahyali has made its seas a primary shipping lane. Logistics and sailing is a major part of Ulos' economy. Fearful of ever losing this lucrative global position, Ulos has remained staunchly neutral in all modern conflicts, deterring foreign aggression through the threat of destructive magic - though the island nation is not well militarized and only keeps a minimal standing army.

The Ulos Magic Circle, as well as being the country's governing body, operates a well known university for those that wish to study magic of all types. While it falls short of Ruefang universities in secular topics, the Magic Circle provides unparalleled education in the arcane. The Ulos Magic Circle upholds ideals of integrity and honor, standing against injustice as part of The Kinland Order. The Magic Circle's municipal side consists of:

  • An executive branch headed by a prime minister, currently [Name TBD.]
  • A legislative branch known as the Third Koalisi, with 126 sitting members.
  • A judicial branch known as the Keadilan Court, with 10 sitting members.

While the overwhelming majority of the Magic Circle are mages, as the name implies, skill in magic is not a requirement to serve as an Ulos politician. All Circle members are democratically elected every five years. Taxation is famously quite high in Ulos, though nearly all of this collected money feeds back into the country to support its sophisticated infrastructure and ensure the quality of its education.

In the realm of rumors, conspiracy theories, and shadow is the Koldovstvo College. It’s an underground school where only those that are invited are capable of attending. Those admitted are expected to research and create a large amount of new magical spells and knowledge. Graduates often move on to become powerful mages in the employ of wealthy businessmen or leaders of other smaller groups of magi. It is suspected that this enigmatic school was founded by, and still under the thumb of the Pthoran Ystervuis.


Ulosian policing is relatively small, and most arrests are citizens’ arrests. The age of adulthood on Ulos is 18 (or the equivalent for one’s species) and with adulthood comes the privilege of voting, as well as drinking. Free public education is guaranteed by law in all Ulosian provinces and is well-funded, though most institutions of arcane study and higher education are run privately. Despite this, education is still affordable, and most people remain students well into their 30s. Ulos has abolished the death penalty.

  • Plagiarism, of artistic work or academic content: Fine of up to 2,500 gc and/or imprisonment for up to 30 days.
  • Severe mistreatment of individuals (hate crime, domestic abuse, etc.): Remedial classes and fine of up to 500 gc.
  • Deprivation of another’s education, by an individual or institution: Fine of up to 10,000 gc and possible revocation of educational license.
  • Tax evasion: Incarceration from 6 months - 2 years.
  • Theft of personal property: Fine equal to the value of the stolen items, and incarceration for up to 30 days if items are not returned.
  • Theft of public property: Fine equal to double the value of the stolen items, and incarceration for up to 50 days if items are not returned.
  • Carrying deadly weapons without state license: Fine of up to 1,000 gc.
  • Assault and battery: 5-10 years incarceration.
  • Ownership of another intelligent humanoid creature: Exile from Ulos for life, or incarceration for life.
  • Murder and rape: Depending on degree, incarceration for 5 years to life, with parole possible.
  • Treason: Incarceration for life, or exile.
settings/cahyali/ulos.1689911084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/20 23:44 by centralia