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The Calendar

The worlds of Jaern and Cahyali have similar calendars, but their seasons and holidays tend to differ. Jaern, being a mostly tropical planet with vast oceans, has a notably different global climate than Cahyali, which is more temperate. The days of the week and months are the same, however.

Weeks have six days, and months have thirty days each. A year is exactly ten months, or 300 days.

Month Name Number Season (Jaern) Season (Cahyali) Day Name
Gorn First Akvofojo Winter Abern
Halden Second Akvofojo Winter/Spring Bour
Irkusk Third Akvofojo Spring Cal
Jorne Fourth Akvofojo Spring/Summer Dran
Kild Fifth Fajrofojo Summer Ebon
Led Sixth Fajrofojo Summer Frand
Murh Seventh Sekafojo Summer/Autumn
Napen Eighth Sekafojo Autumn
Obern Ninth Sekafojo Autumn/Winter
Pim Tenth Sekafojo Winter

Epoch Events

Most dates you will find referring to historical events use the “Fall Calendar”, counting its years since the fall of Torandor and civilization's landing on the planet of Jaern for Jaern, and the fall of the great empire of Dahabu for Cahyali. These events occurred at most a few centuries apart, though - due to the marginalization and vitriol against the Tarusian church shortly after landing on Jaern - the exact date of Torandor's destruction is not known1). For simplicity's sake, most take the same date as the well-documented Cahyalian Day of Solar Wrath.

Some scholars, especially of older works, use the Founding Calendar: this calendar counts from the founding of the ancient civilization of Aldeberon on Torandor, and of the Dahabu Empire on Cahyali. The Founding Calendar date can be calculated by adding 7524 to the Fall Calendar year. Dates which are written in the 10000s or later are most likely in the Fall Calendar.

* Note: If you find a date on the website written in the Fall Calendar, please notify the PFC Story Board to issue a correction. Effective January 2025, all dates will move to the Fall Calendar and the only Founding Calendar dates to remain in writing should be old adventure writeups.

No matter which epoch event is used, the months, days, and weeks remain consistent across all calendar systems.



Jaern has three seasons, although none become particularly cold except in the polar regions.

  • Akvofojo: The rainy season and the planting season. The coldest of all Jaern's seasons, often overcast even on days when it doesn't rain. Jaernians associate Akvofojo with rebirth, life, and new beginnings.
  • Fajrofojo: The hot season and the growing season. Temperatures can soar during this season, and fires become common in more inland areas. Jaernians associate Fajrofojo with the sun, discovery, and relaxation- most educational institutes grant their students a major break in mid-Fajrofojo, for about half the month of Led. Fajrofojo is significantly shorter than the other months, and is considered a sort of transition period between Akvofojo and Sekafojo.
  • Sekafojo: The dry season and the harvest season. During this time, temperatures fall and deciduous trees can begin to lose their leaves. The end of Sekafojo, after harvest, is considered a time when evil spirits and demons can be let into the world. Jaernians associate Sekafojo with change, endings, and abundance.


Most of Jaern's holidays are guided by priesthoods of gods. Religious life and holiday is very intermixed in Jaernian culture, with the populace going from temple to temple to pay their respects during major holidays.

First Rainfall, early Gorn

This holiday does not have a set date each year. Once the new year comes and the month of Gorn begins, Neptunites eagerly await the first rainfall of the year. When the first drops strike the ground, the temple declares the start of Akvofojo. Neptunites race outside and play in the rain, before heading back to the temple and enjoying a great feast in honor of Neptune.

The Sun's Guard, ~Gorn 15

This holiday is marked on the calendar but not commonly celebrated outside of Ra'ite circles. It marks the nearest approach of Onra, the sun, and the shortest day on Jaern. Ra'ites are solemn during this day, working carefully in their temples to prepare for any calamities that may occur. According to superstition, dark forces can enter the world on the shortest day, and many circles of evil gather their forces.

Reawakening, Halden 27

The anniversary celebrated by the faction of True Justice of when T’or regained his place of power, and blessed the true believers who sought true justice, refusing to blindly follow the law. A mass celebration is held at the place of Rebirth, which is located at the Rougtero Stockade.

Day of Rebirth, Irkusk 16

Celebrated by Isisites, this day commemorates when Isis returned to Jaern in 10048 and cured the lands of a plague that had been ravishing it. The Day of Rebirth is a rather toned-down holiday, with many celebrating quietly at home and perhaps visiting a local temple of Isis to pay respects.

Festival of Life, Kild 4

A celebration of all that is living. Food, singing, dancing, and storytelling occur throughout Isisite sanctuaries. Patients are brought down to the worship areas if they are able, entertainers are retained, and every caterer in town is employed. Games and competitions are held for groups and individuals, and prizes awarded.

The Sun's Return, ~Kild 10

This holiday is marked on the calendar but not commonly celebrated outside of Ra'ite circles. It marks the closest approach of Onra, the sun, and the longest day on Jaern in the Northern hemisphere. Ra'ites open their temples and celebrate on this day, marking the occasion with food, wine, and complex dances meant to imitate the movement of heavenly bodies and pay respect to Ra.

Gifts of Nature, Led 20

During this holiday, priests of Osiris observe a Jaern Week. They speak in public about the wonders of nature. They explain why it is important, why people need to depend on nature, and what they can do to preserve it. They teach those who are willing what they can do to preserve the wild, giving respect to Osiris in the process. It is considered a good omen to host a priest during this time, and some noble families vie for the honor.

Day of the Fallen, Murh 30

The day that all the T’orites take to remember all of the fallen comrades that have died in the line of duty. It is a solemn day for the T’orites, but it reminds them of the price that Justice sometimes demands.

The Refounding, Napen 16

This is the day when Tarus first showed himself to high priest Justin Gheler, beginning the resurgence of Tarusian worship to Jaern. On this day, adults feast while children prepare and display signs of their knowledge. After the feast, the children’s exhibits are judged by the elder priests, and the best are chosen. These children are rewarded, and immediately invited to apply for entry into the Archive.

Day of Creation, Obern 29

Celebrated by Zepherinite temples, this holiday is held as a massive sporting event beginning on the 29th and taking place over the course of a week. Athletes train for months preparing for the Day of Creation, and travel into major cities to compete with the best from all around. Sports such as ballgames, footraces, and swimming is traditionally included, but more recent additions have been made such as fencing, archery, and gymnastics.

Festival of Death, Pim 1

Dedicated to all those who have passed on in the previous year, this is a very beautiful and enrapturing ceremony. Thousands of candles are lit, choirs sing sonorous songs about the afterlife, and a rich repast of rare and delicious foods is served. This holiday can be solemn, much of it devoted to remembering the dead and celebrating their legacies. During this festival, busy Anubians get a respite from their neverending jobs, and take the time to relax and unwind.

Festival of the Foretelling, Pim 31-33

The leap year of Jaern. Every ten years, a three day holiday is added to the end of the year (Pim 31, 32, and 33) to adjust the calendar by the fractional days which have accumulated. Being born during this holiday is considered very lucky. Many Jaernians do not work during this holiday.

The Festival of the Foretelling is significant to At'enites, who meditate on the first day, seeking inspiration and guidance from their goddess. On the second day, this vigil ends and temples hold large feasts, and at the end of these feasts a temple's high priest comes out to preach and divine future events for the populace. On the third day, the festival winds down as At'enites spend time with their loved ones and celebrate life.


The many countries of Cahyali celebrate too many local holidays to be feasibly listed down, but there are a few internationally notable ones. Cahyali's seasons are similar to Earth, although their winters and summers can last slightly longer.

The actual date is 288 SF, or 7812 Founding.
lore/calendar.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 01:05 by quiddlesticks