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Planar Sea

The infinite cosmic soup in which the planes of existence supposedly reside. No one is quite sure how to define it as it's explanation defies intelligible vernacular, but there are some prevailing theories. Some believe that the planar sea is defined by the absence of existence, it is the zero point of existence, defined only to make reality make sense. The simultaneously infinite and infinitesimal space of null entropy. Some believe that within nonexistence is a different form of existence that transcends the dimensions we understand, that the absence of energy is an energy in and of itself.

The people of Mordrik refer to it as Dimsheal.


It was long believed that nothing could exist in the planar sea after all it is nothingness, but some reports have posited the idea that eldritch beings originate from this place. This was simply a theory until the reemergence of the island of Mordrik on Cahyali. After a group of adventurers investigated the island they discovered a pair of eldritch beings referred to as Batin Nol and Luar Nol, the former of which got trapped inside the planes for a few millennia.

Additionally the people of Mordrik survived in the Planar Sea for these millennia as well. In brief talks with them they say the harvested nothingness as a source of power, though it's believed that this could only happen because matter was brought into the planar sea. The nothingness of the planar sea warps matter that exists in it, the Modrian people being permanently altered from the generations that lived in the sea. The visual effects of this influence are described as glowing lines of various color forming like cracks along the body of the thing effected. Additionally the creatures effected disappear almost entirely in darkness except for the aforementioned glowing lines.


Not much is known about this place as texts are limited to a couple of references in some books in a library in the Dreaming. What is mentioned is a theory that it is a “lynch pin of reality,” something that holds the planes together. Due to this, Recordatio runs through every plane though the manner in which it does and appears may differ by plane.

The party that discovered to Recordatio did so via The Dreaming,1) by going past the Peracog Night. The reports from these adventurers describe how they were pulled under the waters of the Sea of Dreams and were spat out in a place where reality broke away around the structure, lands crumbling away into the nothingness, and in that nothingness was a tower of black marble that extended infinitely in both directions. Upon entering the tower the adventurers found themselves in a maze of rooms formed from their memories and personalities. This is likely where the original name came from, as it means to remember.

See the “TSB;EoA: Amid This Somber Sleep” game writeups,, for more information.
settings/planes/planarsea.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/07 18:12 by aieslwz