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The Black One, Tyrant of Koth

Note: Almost all of the information on this page is to be used strictly for GM-ing purposes; virtually no characters should have knowledge about this in-game. Additionally, I'm going to have to make a lot of tweaks to this character over time, as he is to basically function as the island's “plot guardian”, and he has history that is deeply tied to how the island functions as a whole.


The Black One is the most powerful NPC on the island of Koth, and secretly bullies the government of Toth into doing his bidding.


The Black One planned, in secret, a dark, chaotic ritual that would transform him into a god. However the ritual went wrong, tainting the island with necromantic energy and permanently warping the island’s latent magic. The Black One ascended to his current state, in which he is one of the most powerful hirudo to have ever existed. However, as a result of the ritual, he is bound to the island, and has little power, outside from creating basic physical manifestations of himself.


The Black One has three primary goals as of now: To break free from the island, to maintaining his incredible power, and to ascend to godhood. To do so, he's been hoarding powerful relics and absorbing the minds and souls of various beings for centuries. He is extremely dangerous, and will almost certainly obliterate any adventurers who attempt to destroy his city or tampers with the magical beacons on the island.

Powers and Abilities

As a result of the Debasement, The Black One is the most powerful character on all of Koth. As such, he has the following powers and abilities.


The Black One has godlike attributes, and can easily make most resistance checks thrown at him.

  • Strength: 28-Double Exceptional
  • Intelligence: 28-Double Exceptional
  • Perception: 20-Double Exceptional, Enhanced Vision and Hearing
  • Common Sense: 28
  • Health: 24-Double Exceptional
  • Agility: 24-Double Exceptional
  • Power: 32-Triple Exceptional
  • Comeliness: 18
  • Will: 28-Double Exceptional


The Black One can magically fly, and can teleport to any location on the island at will; teleporting does not cost The Black One an “action”.


The Black One's magical powers are… weird. As a result of the Debasement, he's managed to combine hirudo and necromantic magics into a twisted duo, allowing him greater power than would normally be allowed. As such, he can:

  • Induce small changes in the flow of time
  • Raise powerful undead servants
  • Attempt to dominate the undead, shadows, and constructs (does not apply to “free” entities)
  • Create temporary physical copies of himself
  • Control the earth
  • Manipulate shadows into physical shapes
  • Alter the magical energies of sufficiently weak creatures
  • Absorb magical energy and power from creatures


The Black One is a fairly difficult character to hit, as he is not only extremely mobile, but also directly shields himself with his magical power, granting a huge buff to his DVs. He is constantly shielded by the spell “Umbrasollico”, which sprotects him from magical effects that specifically target the undead and hirudos.


Because The Black One's power is directly tied to Koth, he is bound to the island, and can only create physical manifestations of himself, without his divine magic, elemental magic, durability, or godlike stats. However, he still maintains his ability to run at incomprehensible speeds. Additionally, he is extremely arrogant, and will often fight in a more flamboyant manner than an efficient one.



As a rule, The Black One doesn't really care enough about most events that take place on Koth to interfere; he will not attack a character unless:

  • They attempt to dominate, destory, or drastically alter Koth.
  • They attempt to dominate, destroy, or drastically alter Toth.
  • They attempt to purge the undead from the island.
  • They initiate hostilities with The Black One and ignore his warnings.

If the party attempts to kill The Black One, he'll calmly give them a warning, and will proceed to stare down the offender(s); they have to make a 6 die power check, otherwise they will begin to have a seizure, which will last 1d4 hours. If they continue hostile activities, he will retaliate.

Fighting Style

Flamboyant: For when he's trying to show off

The Black One prefers unarmed combat, in which he will typically grapple an opponent to “feed” off of them with a rank 12 Encure, which will allow him to heal 12d6; this will take a single round. After feeding, the victim will have to make an 8 die power check. If they fail, they will be filled with necromantic energy, and The Black One will hurl them at his enemies, causing them to explode for a d6 for every point of power they have, within a 5 ft per point of power radius. This explosion does not harm the caster. If the victim makes the power check, they are knocked unconscious for 1d8 minutes, as they are exhausted from having their life essence drained, and feel tired until their next rest period.

Serious: For when he feels concerned or intimidated

The Black One, rather than warning his opponents, initiates combat with a surprise attack if possible.

settings/ageron/toth/theblackone.1461906004.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/01 16:31 (external edit)