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The Calendar

The worlds of Jaern and Cahyali have similar calendars, but their seasons and holidays tend to differ. Jaern, being a mostly tropical planet with vast oceans, has a notably different global climate than Cahyali, which is more temperate. The days of the week and months are the same, however.

Weeks have six days, and months have thirty days each. A year is exactly ten months, or 300 days.

Month Name Number Season (Jaern)
Gorn First Akvofojo
Halden Second Akvofojo
Irkusk Third Akvofojo
Jorne Fourth Akvofojo
Kild Fifth Fajrofojo
Led Sixth Fajrofojo
Murh Seventh Fajrofojo
Napen Eighth Sekafojo
Obern Ninth Sekafojo
Pim Tenth Sekafojo


lore/calendar.1693501344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/31 17:02 by quiddlesticks