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“I have spoken with you long, mother. I have asked of you much and you have answered me most graciously. With this final question, I do take my leave. What one singular task can I perform to be of the greatest service to you?”

The Night leaned in and whispered in a voice as soft as a thunderclap, as calm as a summer storm, and as blinding as a dead star. “Ignore every word I have said.”

Verse 18, stanza 9, the Book of Moons; details a conversation between the Night and the Girl with the Red Scarf.

Nature of Rudri

Due to this nature, Rudri is not a god that interacts with followers normally. Rudri does not select avatars and champions. Rudri’s avatars are merely catalysts and products of change. At the current moment most Avatars are sapient beings simply because the possibility of thought makes so much more chance possible than an equivalent hunk of meat. If every sapient being were to end then Rudri would be a bag of sand, or a swirl of air, or the currents of magma calderas. Rudri ceases to exist only when existence itself ceases to exist.

Everyone and everything is Rudri because there is nothing that does not change and does not have possibilities. Some are simply more Rudri than others.

Rudri, or rather the most Rudri, is currently a person who is worshipped as Tenebrus by those followers closest to her.

Tenebrus, Avatar of Rudri

The boy looked at the girl and the two siblings embraced, hot tears rolling down their cheeks and dripping onto the ground. The pack of wolves closed in. They had hunted for nine days and nights, but tonight they feasted on the blood of men. The girl cried out for her mother as her flesh was rent from bone.

Suddenly, the world stilled. The twins gazed upwards at the sky, for there had the moon turned crimson. In a voice of love, it called down. “I am not your mother but I can be your sister, little cubs. Will you join my family?”

Without hesitating, the two accepted. Not with words, but with their souls, for they knew inherently that this being meant them no harm.

In a flash of lightning, a woman of celestial majesty stood by their side. She turned to the wolves and spoke, “If it is flesh you want brothers, then I offer you mine.” In response, the pack fell upon her and tore off her flesh. When they were done, they howled at the moon and raced into the forest as one.

Tenebrus, now wreathed in smoke and night turned to the twins and smiled. “Welcome home, my siblings.”

* The Thirteenth of Dawning, Chapter 3, demonstrates Tenebrus’ mastery of all beasts as well as her unending love for all who accept her as savior. *

Tenebrus is the mightiest Rudri in all existence at this moment. She runs with wolves and flies with ravens. She gazes at the world from her moons. Tenebrus wears the night as a cloak and writes with quills made from swann feathers.

Her forms are myriad and changing, and as a god, she has complete control over her appearance, but she does have a few common forms she takes. A wraith made of shadows and smoke, a wolf with grey fur and a lock of red, a raven with white feathers, a dark-haired, pale-skinned woman with a quick smile, a thunderstorm with steel grey lightning, or a hulking crimson moon that stretches from horizon to horizon.

Tenebrus is a patron of hunters, painters, travelers, assassins, siblings, and gamblers. She enjoys helping civilizations rise to witness the madness they bring. A common pastime of hers is sending Rudrites to kill heads of state, to feast on the disarray this leaves behind.

Though she has forgotten much of her former life before her three ascensions, she remembers living off the forest and being profoundly bored with it. She chose to join Rudri’s dark flock so that her life would have excitement.

When not wandering the material planes, Tenebrus spends her time in the Dehubris.

gods/rudri.1714709886.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/03 00:18 by onermedwolf