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The God Pact

This pact was created by the gods in order to establish an idea of what is and isn't acceptable behavior within the Jaernian god structure. It was ratified by all the gods of old and Orus sits at the head and handles any disruptions to the pact. While it is possible for a god to break the pact, these actions are frowned upon by the rest of the pantheon unless the context surrounding this violation was unique and necessary. Ultimately, the god pact is a social contract more than it is a binding one.

  • Anubis, his priests, and his Celestials are solely responsible for collecting the souls of the dead. Upon entry to Infero, a soul will be judged and routed to the proper afterlife depending on divine following. In the event of no primary following, the soul will be allowed to free-roam following its judgment.
  • Gods are not to interfere, except in dire emergencies, with the normal flow of Jaern history unless called upon by a priest or follower.
  • No god is to possess the soul of a priest of another god.
  • No god is to use another god's artifact items to gain additional power by draining them. They may be used by other gods for their originally intended purpose.
  • No god is to stake claim on a plane that another god within this pact has already staked a claim on.
  • No fighting during meetings! (This was added after a confrontation between Ra and Rudri at a previous meeting.)

Any new members or new terms to this pact must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote.

gods/godpact.1693635760.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/02 02:22 by quiddlesticks