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The Southern Forest


The Southern Forest of Ageron is a dense forest on the southern end of the Ageron continent. The forest stretches from the Basal Sea, on its southern and eastern ends, to the largest river of Ageron, in the west, and to Firehammer Hold, in the north. There is a legend about a lost elven city in the treetops, but nobody has found any proof that this city exists.

Geography and Biology

The Southern Forest borders the Basal Sea on its southern and eastern corners, with the largest river on Ageron bordering the west end, and Firehammer Hold to the north. Because of its location, the land is very fertile, which has attributed to the foliage growing large, growing dense, and living for a long time. The soil is nearly black in color due to its fertility. The terrain is somewhat rugged. The northern half of the region features sloping hills and rough terrain. The terrain starts to flatten out a little bit as it approaches the sea, on the southern end, but does not completely flatten out. This results in natural dunes along the southern coast. The sand on the southern end is fine and a brown color. The coast along the western end has natural dunes as well, but the the fine sand of the southern coast is replaced by a natural shell beach, and any sand in that area is white color due to its composition of finely ground sea shells. There waterfront along the river is mostly the same color of dirt as the forest itself.

The biology of the forest has been heavily influenced by the fertility of the land. The trees that make up this forest grow tall, dense crowns and thick healthy trunks and roots. The the wood is hard, and the leaves are a dark green color, shaped like ovals. The remarkably dense ground foliage is made up of many types of ferns, bushes, and thorns; it takes a lot of effort to trek through the forest. A small path made by an animal may be found every now and then, but even they do not create an easy journey.

The animals that inhabit this forest are rather larger compared to other regions on the continent; minimal humanoid activity has allowed them to flourish. However, their natural camouflage makes them difficult to spot within the forest's natural shadow.

Finds and Observations

Due to the legends of the lost elf city, there have been many research groups that have studied the forest. They have found some interesting observations.

When you get close to the center of the forest, the trees start to form a shape in the way they have grown. They have grown in a circular shape, and at the center of this circle is an old stone table like structure with ancient runes on it that have yet to be deciphered. The table has been found to be as old as the forest itself.

As you travel through the forest, every now and then, you can find what appears to be stones from old structures with ancient, undeciphered runes on them.

settings/jaern/southern_forest.1698779623.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/31 15:13 by quiddlesticks