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Early Access Active Projects

Testament of the Bound

This presents the new Background of Warlock, a caster class that sits in between Divine and Elemental casters. It provides a new framework for character building with Origin and Covenant spell groups, and offers wide versatility at the cost of high unit cost. The Warlock spell groups use either Divine and Elemental units, and are either “half-list groups” with only 6 spells, or special scaling spells called Arcane Spheres.

Rateburner Playtest (Under Consideration for Early Access)

  • Rateburner Playtest (Last Update 1/7/2025)
  • Contact: Kioni B. @quantumfiddlesticks
  • Feedback Thread: TBD

Currently, spells of rank 13 and higher, aka “rateburners” just do not produce enough bang for their buck. They consume anywhere from half a game’s EXP to 1.5 games’ worth, while the spell effect is just not worth casting. This project introduces a simple set of new rules, where most high level spells instead temporarily drain base PWR. This hopes to keep the feel of overexerting yourself to cast incredible magic while not being an utter scam.

Creed of Desperados (Under Consideration for Early Access)

  • Creed of Desperados (Last Update 1/15/2025)
  • Contact: Kioni B. @quantumfiddlesticks
  • Feedback Thread: TBD

The Marine background has long been considered underutilized. This new Rogue Creed is part of a wider move to incorporate all Marine abilities into Rogue and Warrior. Skills that were once associated with Pirates have migrated here. The Creed is overall focused on an “outlaw” sort of feel, with a mechanical emphasis on crowd-control and battlefield debuff support.

Lionheart Tactical Manual (Under Consideration for Early Access)

The Marine background has long been considered underutilized. This new suite is part of a wider move to incorporate all Marine abilities into Rogue and Warrior. Core skills are greatly expanded, and the all-new School of the Gorilla is introduced, ported from the Brawler Marine trade.

In addition, the LTM redoes some sub-backgrounds widely thought to be clunky, such as Dragon and Wolf, and introduces new options for tanking intended for the DP/DR playstyle that’s been looked at positively lately. Finally, many new passive and active abilities are added, to give additional options and features for a Warrior to adapt to the changing flow of battle.

Cursed Items Playtest (Under Consideration for Early Access)

This material provides improvements to the Nomad Spirit Caller’s cursed object incants by making them more versatile and powerful. This mostly addresses the issue of cursed object incants being worse than normal mid-rank spells by giving them the ability to apply abilities equivalent to status effects and making them better fit the support role of cursed object incants.

Insectoid Races (Under Consideration for Early Access)

This material includes some new character race options themed around insect creatures. I had proposed a few race ideas that I had been considering, and there was a general interest in the insectoid ideas since it was unique and we did not have something similar to it already existing. The new material addresses this by giving several subracial options themed at the larger insect genera found in nature and are popular in pop culture and media.

Onivero Race Playtest (Under Consideration for Early Access)

This material introduces the Onivero as a playable race with some customization options to further expand on their lore and grant GMs some more base concepts to develop. The Onivero are a very popular and long time desired race that players have wanted to interact with more. Having more publicly available material means GMs will be more familiar and likely to delve into the topic a bit more.

Corrosion Spell Group Playtest (Under Consideration for Early Access)

This material adds a new spell group to both Earth and Water Magics, using a lot of Damage over Time (DoT) mechanics and Debuffs on armor and weapons. This addresses the missing Earth-Water shared group, as well as a missing Earth magic group after the war-earth magic merge. Add to that, there aren't any DoT spell groups. It provides a damage option while still being more debuff related, and happens to be acid based, and a new theme and style of debuff effects. The material focuses on DoT and debuffs, focusing on mostly slowing down attacks or making it easier to damage enemies. It also has some damage options as you get higher in the spell group, so you can choose to be violent if wanted.

Alchemy Revamp (Under Consideration for Early Access)

  • Alchemy Revamp (Last Update 1/7/2025)
  • Contact: Dan W. @scizor021
  • Feedback Thread: TBD

This alchemy rework is an attempt to bring the alchemy crafting up to modern standards. It is buffing some of the weaker potions to be useable, while adjusting oversights of others. It also has reduced the gold cost and added more recipies.

rulings/earlyaccess.1736955001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/15 10:30 by eliu