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The Age of Reckoning

The Age of Reckoning began with the Day of Reckoning, which occured on 08/29/10038. It continued for the nearly four years. The true end of the Age of Reckoning is widely debated, but historians estimate it to be around 04/01/10041.

The Day of Reckoning

Directly before the Dat of Reckoning, the island upon which Karfelon was situated had been raised from the bottom of the Alfrego Sea. It was also pulled about 15 mets south, so that it was situated just outside the No-Portal Zone. The waves from this event caused some minor damage to ships and docks in Rougtero and Port Haven, and some washover at the new sea wall, but no significant damage had been reported to any surface towns. Klacktri was damaged a little bit more significantly, and New Karfelon was severely disrupted.

The Day of Reckoning - 08/29/10038

The godships were destroyed. Several asteroids slammed into Jaern, one splashed down a few mets west of Pregada and the resulting tidal wave destroyed much of the city and killed thousands of citizens. Thousands of people cried out for divine intervention. At around the same time, smaller, specially-designed projectiles destroyed both the godship and the Superi. All gods aboard these crafts were killed.

All priests - except those of Scrogg, Orus, Rudri, Zeferin, Vormaxia, and Almar - immediately felt their connection to their god disappear. At this point these priesthoods stopped regaining divine energy. Priests of Scrogg and Orus were still connected, albeit more tenuously, with their gods1).

Obviously general chaos among the priesthoods. This will be a time of trial for all religions. Probably within a few months, Scrogg and Orus will stabilize and go back to business as usual. The other gods will not. At’ena saw it coming and chose to go along with it without warning any of her fellow gods. Was she tired of her position or did she see that, through this, the possibilities opened up to finally fulfill their destinies?


A statement from an anonymous Centralian:

“In the midst of the godship happenings, I had an interesting event happen during my last adventure also. There is now a large, glowing purple orb about 100 mets northeast of Centralia Island. The orb is about 10 feet in diameter and is surrounded by 30 glowing stones alternating in color from red, blue, white, and yellow. The orb itself leads into an alternate dimension completely void of magic and guarded by about 30 aliens. In the area around the orb there is a “Diminished Magic Zone.” In this area, all spells cast, either through normal casting or magic items, generally seem to malfunction2). This “Diminished Magic Zone” occupied about a 50 met radius around the orb. The effect is spreading at about 10 mets per day, meaning that it will reach Centralia Island in 5 days.”

Anubis Returns - 09/07/10038

The party showed up at the Sepulcher and were escorted into a planning room. There they were told they were to go into the catacombs and recover something.

Priests of Anubis can now gain spell units equivalent to the number of priest spells they have (of qualifying rank) or their power whichever is lower. Currently only the first 2 ranks qualify. As the head priests buy the Ordination Group up the qualifying ranks go up. All new (priestly) spells must be ordained by the Sepulcher to their priests before they can be used.

Anubis is still not around to answer DI calls.

For those who missed it here is what I said about the Ordination group.

Ordination as a new divine core spell group. Of course the ceremonies involved in the casting of this spell can vary. It also is a built in form of checks and balances for priesthoods if we want it. This of course would only apply when the Gods “come back” (or the priests find the power in other form).

1-12 Ordination

  Time to Cast: 1 hour per Rank
  Resist Check: willing target(s)
  Target:    Special
  Duration: Permanent
  Area: target(s)
  Effect: Grants spell usage
  The target(s) of an Ordination spell are bestowed with the 
  ability of casting spells of their belief system. Ceremonies 
  may have many requirements and may not be just be performed on 
  a whim. The higher the Rank and the what the individual spell 
  usage conveys to the target will determine requirements. ( Note: 
  to cast the ordination spell one must be ordained to cast it 
  as it conveys the ability to ordain spells of equal rank to 

I would also allow mass ordinations with appropriate numbers of ordaining priests to “channel the power”

It should also be noted that the dead gods will not be granting any DI… And likely for the next few game months Scrogg and Orus won't be doing much in the way of DI unless it’s really, really serious and will be pissed at anyone bothering them for trivial shit during this time
Caster must make a 3d6 check vs. their rank. Rolling above the rank will cause the spell to work, otherwise the spell malfunctions according to a chart I have with me. All existing spell effects in the area must also make a 3d6 check or they malfunction
history/aor.1614043434.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/22 20:23 by eliu