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settings:cahyali:leyork:htuc [2024/04/21 11:51] quiddlestickssettings:cahyali:leyork:htuc [2024/04/21 11:51] (current) – [Daævian Foundation for the Sciences] quiddlesticks
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 While many other gangs, mobs, and triads exist and operate on their own in Ley'Ork's shadows, everyone knows that the Wrens are the top dogs of the underworld. Paying them off, sitting firmly in their pockets, or fully selling out and operating under a firm Wren thumb becomes the endgame for most burgeoning organized crime outfits. Due to their close connections with the other HTUC groups, the law mostly turns the other way where Wrens are involved. While many other gangs, mobs, and triads exist and operate on their own in Ley'Ork's shadows, everyone knows that the Wrens are the top dogs of the underworld. Paying them off, sitting firmly in their pockets, or fully selling out and operating under a firm Wren thumb becomes the endgame for most burgeoning organized crime outfits. Due to their close connections with the other HTUC groups, the law mostly turns the other way where Wrens are involved.
-==== Daævian Foundation for the Sciences ====+==== Dævian Foundation for the Sciences ====
 //Daævian Family//  //Daævian Family// 
settings/cahyali/leyork/htuc.1713714697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/21 11:51 by quiddlesticks