Charlie von Otto

Played By: Noah Kauffman, @bluekid

Charlie Von Otto is the oldest daughter of both Wyren Von Otto and the Void Mother Lilith. While young Charlie gained the powers of the Fel Flames and has risen to become the new protector of Midnight's Rest. A master of fire magic and wielder of pyrokinesis. Charlie is best known for her bright red hair and red sundress that makes her stand out and has been known to become a bit of the mom of the party. Despite being as stubborn as her father she holds great love for those she deems family and friends, doing everything she can to protect them.

Her rise to power came after the events of the capture of Midnight's Rest, during a pitched battle she communed with the soul of fire and gained greater control over her fire magic. In the battle against Carl and his forces, Charlie made a contract with the fire devil and later on pushed her body to the limit to acquire 2nd and 3rd generation pyrokinesis along with an Adolla burst. She has traveled to the celestial realms and did battle against the war god Ares. Has survived numerous encounters in the Otherside. Played a role in the attempted assassination of the Pthoran high general, Katerina Zimina, and subsequently destroyed many ships belonging to Pthora as well as causing some of the army to defect to Midnight's Rest.

As of now Charlie leads the Special Fire Force to defend the city of Midnight's Rest against the tide of vampires and infernals. Alongside her new companion, the fighting spirit known as the Fool, helps to defend her home. The demon heiress Charlie will continue to stand as the flames against those that would dare harm her friends, her family, her lover, and her city.