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settings:dreaming [2021/11/04 16:23] eliusettings:dreaming [2023/10/17 01:54] quiddlesticks
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 ====== The Dreaming ====== ====== The Dreaming ======
-This compiles the public information on The Dreaming, as discovered by adventurersFor GM use, the google document for The Dreaming can be found here: [[|The Dreaming (GM Only)]]+===== The Slumbering Woad ===== 
 +The Slumbering Woad is the primary way that mortals can enter into the Dreaming. In order to do so they must find places connected to the Dreaming: places ripe with folk talesancient grottos, places that invoke the whimsy of childrens' stories told by the bedsideMapping the Woad is an impossibility, for it is always changing and labyrinthineThere are rumors of portals directly into the Dreaming, but if these exist, they are fiercely guarded by powerful archfey or mortal mages, and are almost never used.
-====General Information====+The Woad itself is sentient, but not in the way many people read sentience. It rejects all mind affecting magics that many try to interact with it, and will react negatively to someone trying to force control of it in any way. The Woad functions much like that of a construct, with two primary goals in mind. 
-===History===  +First, is to dissuade residents of other planes from entering. It would rather have the visitors turn back before entering The Dreaming, and freely lets them leave at this point. The second motive of the Slumbering Woad is to forcefully prevent all denizens of The Dreaming from leavingincluding travelersIt reacts violently to anyone who enters it from the side of The Dreaming, and will hold nothing back to prevent their escape
-The Dreaming has existed since the dawn of time, when the first dreams were created. The land of the Dreaming is the culmination of the dreams, fears, aspirations, hopes, and nightmares of every living thing that dreams. The Dreaming as some see are the children of the god Orus, others say the Dreaming is a result of the collective dreams that all living things experience. Many believe however it is merely a fictitious story, something told by parents to their children. However, the Dreaming is real. And the denizens of the dreaming have always longed to experience the true capacity of emotionsimagination, and dreams, to rediscover the first dreamThroughout time, those that lived in the Dreaming searched for ways to cross over into the real world, some they stole the children so that they might truly understand the first dream, others it is merely a flight of fancy. In recent years nowwith the many events and changes that Jaern has undergone, the Dreaming and it’s people have begun to find more ways to cross over into the material realm of Jaern, and subsequently those in the material realm of Jaern are now understanding they can cross over as well.+
-===The First Dream=== +The Woad usually accomplishes this goal by splitting up parties traveling together, to weaken individual willsOnce this is doneit shows travelers visions and dreams of their greatest hopes or deepest fearsin the hope that they will turn back
-The First Dream is what gave birth to the dreamingwhen the first beings started to dream they brought forth the first dream and from that first dream came the DreamtThe First Dreamt were among the most powerful and regarded as gods among the Dreamtfrom the First Dreamt came the rest of the Dreamt and the denizens of the Dreaming. Many of the Dreamt regarded those ancient times as a golden age, but when The First Dream vanished, the Dreamt lost the ability to dream and thus since then have the Dreamt sought a way to reconnect with The First Dream so that they themselves can dream once more.+
-===The Slumbering Maze== +It is said that a particular item is required to pass through the Woad, referred to simply as the //Lantern of Dreaming.// Without light from this lantern, the Woad is completely dark - no mundane or magical sources of light work here, and non-sight-based methods of navigation such as echolocation or tremorsense get turned aroundHopeful travelers must guard their Lantern of Dreaming carefully to ensure it never goes out.
-The Slumbering Maze is the only way that mortals can enter into the Dreaming. In order to do so they must find places connected to the Dreaming, places ripe with folk tales, ancient grottos, places that invoke the whimsy of children stories told by the bedsideFor in these places one can find an entrance into the Slumbering Maze. Mapping the maze is an impossibility for it is always changing+
-===Crossing into Jaern=== +===== Locations ===== 
-There are many reasons why the denizens of the Dreaming will cross over into the world of Jaern. But the biggest reason for many of the dreamt is to experience and collect the imagination of the sentient beings of Jaernfor in the dreaming, the laws of the world is that of the collective dream, for what is dreamed in the mortal realm can become reality, this has lead many of the dreamt to the mortal realm for if they can understand why those across the veil can dream and they cannot then they shall be able to relive the first dream.+As a reflection of all mortals' dreams and desires, the Dreaming is near infinite. The locations that follow are simply brief descriptions of places that have been traveled to and mapped to any extent by adventurers.
 +==== Ti’wath ====
 +(pr. TEE-wath). Also called the Sprawling Glades. Here is where the exit of the Slumbering Maze comes to, here the land is basked in an eternal spring. The sun shines gently, and when night falls the crickets sing and the stars dance. Here rare plants called the Sleeping Lilies grow; they are used by denizens to cure many of the sicknesses that befall the dwellers of the Dreaming. What the Sleeping Lilies could do in the material world is only speculated, as none have brought them back yet. However despite its serene looks, Ti’wath still holds many dangers to the unwary, for here those that disrupt balance will be seen as an enemy, and those that would dare take from the slumbering maze will be hunted. Ti'wath has a few sub-regions:
-Created by: Noah KauffmanAna StenstromZachary Berglund, Ryan Sciorilli, Xavi Welinder, Kioni Bush, Eric Liu.+=== Hollow Ward === 
 +A vast forest of blue leaves that glow softly with the light of the moons. Here the trees are hollowed and it is where many of the denizens of Ti’wath make their homes. It is peaceful and serenea place where one could rest their head. Howeverthe residents of Hollow Ward take great pleasure in trickery and mischief. They may decide to rob you blind or entice you with dreams only to steal them.
 +=== Lake Karath ===
 +Also known as the Drowning Pit. A vile place that few Dreamt ever go, for it is here that the dreams of the wicked are left to fester and rot. Many legends say at the bottom of this lake is a spear of black iron, //Fateweaver//: a weapon that will one day bring about the ruin of The Dreaming and all things that dream. Even the gods will be helpless as the spear will shatter the dream with its jagged point. 
 +=== The Fortress of Memories ===
 +A location on the edge of Ti’wath and Parasoma. Near a river of flowing dreams, the fortress is a large castle made of an obsidian black stone, and towers high into the sky. Located within is only a single denizen of The Dreaming, an entity known as ‘The Lost One’. 
 +Records of The Dreaming show that the entity has been around since antiquity, but its purpose has been more shrouded than the castle. For people who enter the fortress, they might find the entry hall and guest chambers rather empty, but as time passes, they slowly start to become more aware and attuned to the atmosphere. Voices can be heard, conversations and laughter. Spirits or hallucinations can be seen moving about the place, going about daily lives, echoes of times that have passed. 
 +They seem to be full of emotion; happy, joyous, angry, sad, jealous... but they never interact with those who pass through. For those who pass deeper into the fortress, past the protections of The Lost One, odd trinkets can be found lying about. Childrens' toys are a particular commonality among the hallways and bed chambers within the fortress. Interacting with these items reveals a memory of those who used to own it, such as a particular strong emotion. The more scattered items have short, but strong memories. However, to those who truly travel deep into the fortress, they can find chamber upon chamber, full of trinkets lost to those of Jaern. Millions of small pieces, lost to time, but each containing a strong emotion or memory of the past. Getting this far is likely to draw the ire of The Lost One. 
 +==== Haralwa ====
 +(pr. hah-RAHL-wuh) Also called the Eternal Palaces. Here is where the dreams of the celestial grow and dwell. The land is covered in shifting divine iconography: the trees are gems, the rivers like glass. Priests who come here will feel a much closer connection to their gods and might find their spells to be stronger. Travelers might find blessed artifacts, the wings of angels, or reliquaries for holy artifacts. Beware, though: while dreams may be pleasant and empowering, the gods' nightmares also roam Haralwa...
 +=== The Pillars ===
 +Massive towerlike structures, each one guarded by hosts of celestial beings. Legend has it that within the pillars lie the dreams of the gods. There is one pillar for each of the Fourteen, and within each pillar is a labyrinth of traps and guardians that hold the treasures that the gods have unknowingly created. The guardians fight viciously to protect the Pillars, and few - if any - have ever made it inside.
 +=== Sapphire's Dial ===
 +A grand sundial as big as a forest lays near the heart of Haralwa. Nobody remembers who built the dial or what its purpose even is, though many will say that when the sun aligns itself just right, a glimpse of the First Dream can be seen, and thus many Dreamt will take pilgrimage to the dial in hopes of being able to witness the First Dream. 
 +== A forest on the outskirts of Parasoma. By Andreas Rocha; used with permission. ==
 +==== Parasoma ====
 +(pr. pare-ah-SOH-muh) Also known as the Nightmare Lands. Here, the horrors and monstrosities lay in wait for their prey, luring them in with fantastical treasures, promises of riches beyond one’s imaginations, anything that one’s heart could desire, but in the end it is naught but a lie. Legends speak that deep within the heart of the nightmare lands is a tree that bears silver wings and promises only ruin for those that seek it out. 
 +=== Shattered Island ===
 +Found deep within Parasoma, this is an island in the middle of a large lake. On the island live the Broken. These Dreamt are those that have been exposed to powerful nightmares and emotions that caused their very selves to deteriorate. Here they spend their final days - guarding the knowledge of what they discovered in the nightmares of people with jealousy, as it is the only thing that they have left to them. 
 +=== Castle Rotwood ===
 +An ancient castle built from the nightmares of being trapped and caged. The castle is alive and is a malicious being, and its grounds are infested with traps and monsters that delight in games of cat and mouse. Legends say that the castle’s heart is a shard of the First Dream, and the legend inspires many foolish Dreamt to seek out the center of the castle.
 +==== Concordia ====
 +(pr. con-CORE-dee-ya) at the heart of the Dreaming lies a city of where the peace between the courts of the Dreaming are kept, where the accords and the oaths are held in sacred regard. Here the most powerful of the dreamt, the rulers of the courts, will come to forge treaties, alliances, and diplomatic relations between others. Here in Concordia now spell shall be cast to do harm, no blade shall be drawn, and now arrow shall whistle. For in Concordia, the law of peace and logic reign. 
 +Irogueil Peak: 
 +Or as the locals will often refer to it as “the Peak of Falling Stars”, holds a special place in the hearts of all the dreamt, for it is here where the first dream was born, on the top of the mountain is a shrine dedicated to the first dream. During the Festival of the Dancing Skies, a meteor shower occurs along with a bright aurora that colors the sky. This festival celebrates the first dream and is a cause for merriment among the dreamt, but for some, it has a far darker meaning. 
 +===== History ===== 
 +The Dreaming has existed since the dawn of time, when the first dreams were created. The land of the Dreaming is the culmination of the dreams, fears, aspirations, hopes, and nightmares of every living thing that dreams. Some say the Dreaming is the god [[gods:orus|Orus']] celestial plane, others say the Dreaming is a result of the collective dreams that all living things experience.
 +Many believe it is merely a fictitious story, something told by parents to their children. However, the Dreaming is real. The denizens of the dreaming have always longed to experience the true capacity of emotions, imagination, and dreams, to rediscover the First Dream. Throughout time, those that lived in the Dreaming searched for ways to cross over into the real world, some stole the children so that they might truly understand the First Dream, and to others it is merely a flight of fancy. 
 +In recent years now, with the many events and changes that Jaern has undergone, the Dreaming and its people have begun to find more ways to cross over into the material realm of Jaern, and subsequently those in the material realm of Jaern are now understanding they can cross over as well.
 +==== The First Dream ====
 +The First Dream is what gave birth to the Dreaming. When the first beings started to dream they brought forth the First Dream, and from that First Dream came the Dreamt. The First Dreamt were among the most powerful and regarded as gods among the Dreamt. From the First Dreamt came the rest of the Dreamt and the denizens of the Dreaming. Many of the Dreamt regarded those ancient times as a golden age, but when The First Dream vanished, the Dreamt lost the ability to dream and thus since then have the Dreamt sought a way to reconnect with The First Dream so that they themselves can dream once more.