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Game Master
Gilly Hammack
Celebrate the Quindecennium Demon Hunt (1 of ?)
Plot Synopsis
Invited to celebrate with the isolated islands of Mythelglin, in a walled port city full of farmers in Boohail on Kinnamo Island, one of the four islands. They ended up in a bar, almost started a bar fight, then the undead guy had a drinking contest and got a lot of people drunk. Then they went to the feast, with their famous cinimmon pie, and then explosion near the wall led them to follow this girl who worried about her cinnamon farm, a kid was about to rob then and Josh one hit koed him with a gun then revived him bc it was a teenager. Then Ray shrank the "demon" behind the kid, but not before the girl panicked, saw it, and threw her pie at him. Small demon angrily told them he was being mind controlled by the god of these people, bc their god Myva is actually a lich pretending to be a god to take the life power of the islands and live forever. Shoved the demon into a necromancy squirrel cage to keep an eye on him while they fought the skeletons protecting one of the 4 phylacteries in one of her four temples, Josh ate it and destroyed it with acid damage.
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