Game Start Date
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Game Master
Nakai Chaukhamba (Mushroom Keeper, Miguel Spawn, unknown to him, Bow Seeker Nomad)
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Erica Wiren (Chitter, Chitter)
TSB;EoA: Katabasis Game 12 (Recordatio, Planar Sea)
Plot Synopsis
The party entered into the dark void of Recordatio before entering into brimming fluorescent light. A kitchen, similar to one found in a modern restaurant was the first location they entered into. Most of the equipment was missing for some odd reason. The party found a doorway in the walk-in-freezer that led to a courtroom. It took a while for everyone to become situated, but when the defense was brought out it was revealed that Merritt and Feare had been selected to serve as the defense for a much older version of Feare, having been captured before completing their justice. Rather than attempting to explain or justify their justice, Feare and Merritt pulled some courtroom antics and summoned Zepherin to get Feare’s future self acquitted. The residents of the room, seemingly not knowing how to respond, let the party continue, seeming almost incomplete, though during the trial a loud noise was heard deep in the dungeon.
The party sallied forth, finding a colosseum where Merritt dueled a chimera of a creature similar to a manticore. After a tough fight, the party left, though Spice did win 100 gold in a betting ring. Continuing onward, the next room was shocking. People chained to their workstations by a massive blast furnace, stuck, nowhere to go. The room beyond was locked. The party found a mold for a key and made one by breaking the chains of the workers and melting them down. The door led to where it seems Luar was trying to enter. Pushing him away from this door, she moved on. The party went back to the justice room, finding another doorway that led to an office building. They waited for what felt like a long time. The party lost a good amount of sanity as they were forced to sit still in the room for an eternity. In reality, it was five minutes. They proceeded to a room where everyone was being exceedingly nice. Finding a note left behind by…someone Erica attacked a strange old man. She received enough electric shocks to almost kill her. The party determined quickly that they would be shocked if they weren’t positive and optimistic about things. They spoke to the gentleman Erica attacked, who allowed them through the next door only to a room filled with shovels. Feare embraced their inner kleptomaniac and shoved as many as possible into their bag of holding. This revealed a trapdoor, behind which they found Luar again. They jeered at the party and he once again disappeared.
The party went back to the kitchen and found a room filled with mushrooms, reminding Nakai of a grove on Titan’s Maw. Spice almost got mind controlled by a strange thing Merritt recognized called a limeshroom. Very dangerous. Nakai quickly solved the room and combined a batch of their own mushrooms to reveal a doorway. From here, the party came into a room filled with cages containing beaten and abused animals. All were rare, some beasts only found on the shores of Nakai’s homeland. The party released two catlike beings that were more concerned with a large cage near the center of the room. The party entered into a secret room contained in one of the cages. Here was a skeleton disco. Feare busted it down while Nakai found Luar again. She made a last ditch effort, scurrying away. Exploring the caged room, the party found another door that seemed to leak strange black…stuff
Opening the door they found a forest destroyed. The sky was red, trees knocked over and burning, and black bits of a strange form of non-matter leaked from the ceiling. This room was decimated. Had Ouros been there, they may have felt some effects. The party left and fought the big bear. It got faster and faster with each round until Spice nullified it with some paralysis poison. From here, the party entered the Pain room. It was filled with bread. Feare took the i off the sign and made it the Pan room. They found the door and burned the bread. Through a long negotiation, the party convinced Luar to keep away, promising to release the thing trapped beyond. This is a promise they can’t fully keep, but it successfully convinced Luar to leave…for now.
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