Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Nakai Chaukhamba (Mushroom Keeper, Miguel Spawn, unknown to him, Bow Seeker Nomad)
Erica Wiren (Chitter, Chitter)
TSB;EoA: Katabasis Game 11 (???, Planar Sea)
Plot Synopsis
Upon awakening, the party took the remaining sashes they had and left the desert of Duat. Thankfully, Nakai had ways to dramatically increase the speed of the crab, and as such they only spent around three hours in the delve. The party had one final chat with the Witch, discussing how to return the orb to Mictlan and where to go once they entered into the Astral Sea. Taking another of the witch’s shortcuts, they forged a deal with Mictlan. They returned the orb and he allowed them passage through the illicit hole to the Astral Sea from which Mictlan siphoned energy. Esktere the trickster showed their face one final time and temporarily stole Ouros’s name. Merritt, being part fae, was able to nab it and return it to Ouros.
It was finally time to enter the space between spaces.
Nakai was the first to enter the Astral Sea, taking the brunt of its energy. Looking around, he noticed that the sky itself seemed to warp and change. It completely surrounded him, appearing to be made from the skies of multiple different planes patchily sewed together and constantly reshaping itself. Black lightning occasionally struck in the distance. The ground itself felt like a hard stone, granite specifically, but no floor could be seen. Nakai could see into the infinite void below him. The party joined Nakai, becoming slightly disoriented as the world seemed upside down to them. Far off in the distance, the party saw what Nakai identified as a Harull Worm. He had seen them in the Beneath in the past, knowing their danger. The party, against literally all odds, somehow miraculously avoided being seen with some successive stealth checks and some terrible PER checks on the Worm’s part.
Wandering the place for a bit and seeing some strange sights with strange perspective like a far away solar system moving rapidly or mountains that became small piles of dirt, the party came across what looked to be a vast black sea with a small river leading over an invisible cliff. It was here that the party received a notification of how to find Recordatio. Absorbing the vibes, Nakai made a 10d6 Channeling check to find the place. He found a button that made a stone tablet appear. Reading the ancient Arcadian script on it, Merritt told the party they must “forge the path they walk in life” and completed a strange sliding puzzle. Feare put together that it likely correlated to what would appear in Recordatio, but none could decipher the meaning behind the rooms. Either way, once set, Recordatio appeared in full as a massive tower beyond sight. The game ended as the party began to enter the tower…
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