March 30, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Nakai Chaukhamba (Mushroom Keeper, Miguel Spawn, unknown to him, Bow Seeker Nomad)
Erica Wiren (Chitter, Chitter)


TSB;EoA: Katabasis Game 10 (Duat, Kurago)

Plot Synopsis

The game started with the party quickly running from the previous situation. Erica decided to use a knife that cuts holes into the Kurago whilst in the Kurago. This attracted the attention of the Eldritch Noting. The being began to tear the pyramid apart whilst Spice and Feare rushed to finish the sarcophagus cover and grab some Sashes of Passage left in storage. Thankfully the party narrowly avoided the destruction wrought by the being. The Nol, taking the form of a gigantic talking hand. It communicated with the party for a bit, stealing the knowledge of Recordatio from Ouros. Merritt and Nakai temporarily left in order to assist the party of Primordial Blight with their situation. The party learned the being of nothingness was called Luar-Nol, and it was answering a call. Now, they rush to meet with The Witch to discuss their next move given Thom’s warnings.

Noteworthy Postgame Events