Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Bearington
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Aña Tepiv (Like father like daughter)
Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 7: Not Easy Being Green (Leifsholm, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The game started with the party meeting up at the home of Professor Rutherford T. Hejhawg for a small debriefing. Mercy and Ana joined the rest of the group for a temporary in-and-out rush while the previous bit of the party took a rest. They left to go to a small village called Leifsholm. Leifsholm was established long ago by a warrior dedicated to Osiris known as Araboj. Osiris gifted him the land nearby a grove sacred to her. In time, this grove became less important to Osiris. However, the town still flourished as the land was extremely fertile due to Osiris’s blessings.
The party discerned that the grove, known as the Silvae Osirae, turned a strange stony color about a month ago. The next yields of crops became a strange black good in a manner of hours. Any food magically created through divine magic or psionics simply turned to dust after around a day.
The party took King Gordon to the woods, as the only way to access the woods is with the blood of a descendent of Araboj. King Gordon touched the entrance, which opened the way in. As soon as the party entered, however, they found the thorny dead maze shifted behind them. They became blocked off from entrances and exits.
After a bit of wandering through this shifting maze, the party began seeing eyeballs watching them. The trees had heat signatures and counted as a singular sentient entity. Party soon found a small ladder leading to a part of the grove seemingly still protected by Osiris. Inside a chest, Raik found the Bow of Araboj.
After a brief skirmish with the eyeballs, Ves had an idea. Using a magical dagger and psionic teleportation magic, Ves and Samuel teleported the party behind the creature corrupting the area. This turned out to be Limos, a large eldritch tree with shifting eyeballs capable of complete transformation. After a short battle, Raik landed the final blow, causing the tree to burn. With the corrupting creature gone, the grove regrew significant portions of itself, this time appearing less threatening and more like an actually sacred grove. As soon as party left, the entrance still closed itself, appearing as a gate of thick vines impossible to move through.
The party left to receive their pay of 150 gold from Professor Hejhawg knowing they successfully solved the famine problem in the tiny village.
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