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settings:jaern:lojem [2024/05/23 21:41] moochsettings:jaern:lojem [2025/01/18 15:34] (current)
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 //What happens when you take the setting from the Jaern manual and let adventurers go crazy on it for a few real years? Well... lots of death, chaos and destruction and the birth of a little hamlet called Rougtero. Rougtero is the main adventurering town on Lojem Island.// //What happens when you take the setting from the Jaern manual and let adventurers go crazy on it for a few real years? Well... lots of death, chaos and destruction and the birth of a little hamlet called Rougtero. Rougtero is the main adventurering town on Lojem Island.//
-=== Geography ===+===== Geography =====
-The Rhine Archipelago is located 2 months to the northeast of Lojem. Ageron is located 3 months to the south-southwest. Kratal is located 5 months either east or west, as it is nearly exaclty on the opposite side of Jaern.+The Rhine Archipelago is located 2 months to the northeast of Lojem. Ageron is located 3 months to the south-southwest. Kratal is located 5 months either east or west, as it is nearly exaclty on the opposite side of Jaern. Much of the mainland of Lojem is either a rocky part of the volcano, covered in the dense forests of the west, or is part of the flat sprawling plains of the east.
-====== Locations in the Lojem Region ======+==== Regions ==== 
 +There are four major regions of the Lojem isles.
-===== Major Cities =====+=== Mount Fajro === 
 +The central area of Lojem's mainland Mount Fajro is a major volcano that likely created the island chain. The volcano has been dormant for a very long time, but its activity from a time long ago has created fertile soil for farmlands, allowing civilization to prosper in a place many would consider dangerous. Just be sure to watch your step, as the mountain can be quite steep and jagged. [[settings:jaern:lojem:rougtero|Rougtero]] can be found just below the mountain's southern face.
-**[[settings:jaern:lojem:rougtero|Rougtero]]** which in Paroli means "Red Dirt" or "Red Earth" is a plot of land that was given to the refugees of Karfelon by the elves. It has become a robust city and a center of trade on Lojem.+=== The Eastern Plains === 
 +The eastern half of the Lojem mainland is covered in sprawling grasslands that extend for as far as the eye can see. It is home to the Eastern Shores Coalition, whose capital is the city of Eastend. The flatlands are easy to traverse, making travel very easy, even relaxing to many. Hikers are common through the area.
-  * [[settings:jaern:lojem:fordshire|Fordshire]] - A very small town not far from LojemIt has a massive large inn, town hall that serves as a meeting place, a quaint little graveyardand not much else.+=== The Western Forests === 
 +The western half of the Lojem mainland is covered in a very dense forestThis large area was elvish territory for very long timeand only recently has begun to open its borders bitespecially since many cities in the area joined as part of the Rougtero League.
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:gendel|Gendel]] - Popular tourist location in North Lojem, due to its fine beaches and amazing seafood+=== Osiris' Necklace === 
 +A nickname for the chain of islands that make up the southern parts of the Lojem regionOsiris' Necklace is home to the Southern Unity. The island chain was once held together by a great wall holding back the ocean and keeping Karfelon safe. A few decades ago, however, the sea wall was partially destroyed, leaving these disparate island unconnected for a long time. The region is mostly made of small volcanic islands similar to Mount Fajro. Some think that they all may connect to Mount Fajro if one were to dig deep enough.
-[[|Midnight's Rest]] - A new settlement founded on a small island just off the coast of Lojem.+===== Countries =====
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:new_alimar|New Alimar]] - Dwarven mining community with a rising number of popular musicians+==== The Rougtero League ====
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:port_haven|Port Haven]] - A large city with poor reputation as a mafia town+Making up the northwestern portion of the Lojem Region, the [[settings:jaern:lojem:rougteroleague|Rougtero League]] is said to have created the tradition of adventuring on Jaern. it was people from here who began Jaern's age of exploration. The area is highly religious and powerhouse in terms of its economy and its connections to outside planes of existence. The land itself is simultaneously rocky and forested. The land is surprisingly fertile due to the volcano Mount Fajro.
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:tatiana|Tatiana]] - A scholarly town dedicated to advancing knowledge and technologyIt is all built on the backs of this strange new "steam-power."+The population is primarily a mix of humans and elvesParoli is the language commonly spoken there as it spawned there first before spreading across the rest of Jaern.
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:tolenice|Tolenice]] - A bougie city with a superiority complex and a love for all things art +==== The Eastern Shores Coalition ====
-===== Minor Cities =====+
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:atentu|Atentu]] - An island 3 days from Lojem (southeast) (From Craig Brown)+The [[settings:jaern:lojem:easternshores|Eastern Shores Coalition]] was a country formed by the city of Eastend in order to combat the economic power of the Rougtero League. The coalition is very close. Attempts to compete with Rougtero hegemony have been surprisingly successful, though how long it will last is unknown. The land itself is very flat and grassy, making it perfect for farmland.
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:jarumna|Jarumna]] - A farming village just south of Mt Fajro's southern slope+The population is mostly humans, dwarves, and orcs. Paroli is the main language spoken here.
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:leifsholm|Leifsholm]] - A small hamlet founded by an ancient hero of Osiris on one of the more forested islands of Lojem+==== The Southern Unity ====
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:lumordre|Lumordre]] - An ancient village with massive tower serving as a beacon of light for Lojem+The [[settings:jaern:lojem:southernunity|Southern Unity]] is land in the south of Lojem, making up the chain of islands known as Osiris' Necklace. Recently, form of flying machines have been created to assist in public transportation across the chain of islands. The Southern Unity is known for its emphasis on art and scholarship. Though, corruption still abounds in the chain of islands...
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:malplena|Malplena]] - An island 3 days from Lojem (due east) (From Craig Brown)+The population is surprisingly cosmopolitan compared to the rest of Lojem. The language spoken there is Paroli, with exception to the city of Tolenice, where the people primarily speak Ferric.
-===== Other Locations =====+===== Miscellaneous Locations =====
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:lojem_wizard_guild|Lojem Wizard Guild]]+=== Independent Cities ===
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:super_mage's guild|Super Mage'Guild]] (a.k.aNew Jersey Mage's Guild)+Multiple cities across the Lojem region are not tied to one of the major countries. These include, but are not limited to, [[settings:jaern:lojem:midnights_rest|Midnight'Rest]], Klacktri, and [[settings:jaern:lojem:lumordre|Lumordre]].
-The Miriton Tower - What remains of this ancient building can be seen barely escaping the waters of Lake Alfrego. The rest of the tower lies deep underwater. This is likely for the best given the terrible experiments done here over a century ago. Currently, the area is a complete dead zone for magic.+A list of the cities can be found [[settings:jaern:lojem:lojemothercities|here]].
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:racun|Racún]] - An island north of Lojem inhabited by an alien raccoon-like race+=== Ruins ===
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:temporani|Temporani Ruins]] - The ruins of an ancient settlement ruled by dragons in the days after [[settings:torandor|Torandor's]] destruction. It is barely a pile of rubble now.+Lojem is a very old continent, one of the first to be charted and explored on Jaern. As such, it has a very old history rife with ruins. These include the old town and tower of Miriton, [[settings:jaern:lojem:temporani|Temporani Ruins]]the shrine of Lentri, and more. 
 +A list of ruins on Lojem can be found [[settings:jaern:lojem:lojemruins|here]].
-[[settings:jaern:lojem:treningsplass|T'or's Treningsplass]] - A massive T'orite Enclave. It is as large as a city and looks like a sturdy fortress. 
 ===== Other GM Info ===== ===== Other GM Info =====
 [[settings:jaern:lojem:lojem_dump|Lojem info from gmlist]] - some random information about Lojem gleaned from the GMList [[settings:jaern:lojem:lojem_dump|Lojem info from gmlist]] - some random information about Lojem gleaned from the GMList
-**[[settings:jaern:lojem:the_random_encounter|The Random Encounter Tavern]]** isn't actually located on Lojem island, but the main entry way is a psionic teleportation circle located at the former location of the Portal Farm (known as Port Senfinico). 
settings/jaern/lojem.1716514919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 21:41 by mooch