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settings:jaern:lojem [2024/01/02 19:36] – [Other Locations] quiddlestickssettings:jaern:lojem [2024/05/23 21:41] (current) mooch
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 //What happens when you take the setting from the Jaern manual and let adventurers go crazy on it for a few real years? Well... lots of death, chaos and destruction and the birth of a little hamlet called Rougtero. Rougtero is the main adventurering town on Lojem Island.// //What happens when you take the setting from the Jaern manual and let adventurers go crazy on it for a few real years? Well... lots of death, chaos and destruction and the birth of a little hamlet called Rougtero. Rougtero is the main adventurering town on Lojem Island.//
 === Geography === === Geography ===
settings/jaern/lojem.1704242213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/02 19:36 by quiddlesticks