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lore:creatures [2024/05/12 19:55] โ€“ [Abysslings] quiddlestickslore:creatures [2024/05/12 19:57] (current) โ€“ quiddlesticks
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 ==== Great Beasts ==== ==== Great Beasts ====
   * Origin: Jaern & Cahyali, worldwide   * Origin: Jaern & Cahyali, worldwide
-  * Category: Variable, sometimes Draconic+  * Category: Variable, sometimes Draconic ๐Ÿœ˜
 The term of [[lore:creatures:greatbeasts|Great Beast]] is an umbrella for several groups of creatures which may or may not actually be related. Most notable of the Great Beasts are the dragons, though many others exist. The distinguisher of a Great Beast is that they are native to the material plane, and they have some presence in the history and mythology of some mortal culture. The term of [[lore:creatures:greatbeasts|Great Beast]] is an umbrella for several groups of creatures which may or may not actually be related. Most notable of the Great Beasts are the dragons, though many others exist. The distinguisher of a Great Beast is that they are native to the material plane, and they have some presence in the history and mythology of some mortal culture.
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 ==== Demons ==== ==== Demons ====
   * Origin: [[settings:planes:beneath|The Beneath]]   * Origin: [[settings:planes:beneath|The Beneath]]
-  * Category: Demonic+  * Category: Demonic ๐Ÿœ
 Borne of the fears and hates of mortalkind, many see **[[lore:creatures:demons|Demons]]** as pure evil - although that is not always the case. They mostly reside in the Beneath, although they can be summoned to the material plane through specific ritual and bound, as Jaern's ancient [[history:jaern:veiledempire|Veiled Empire]] once did. Demons are also referred to by the terms "infernal" or "fiend" on occasion. No matter their nature, benevolent to malevolent or somewhere in between, they are powerful and unpredictable. Borne of the fears and hates of mortalkind, many see **[[lore:creatures:demons|Demons]]** as pure evil - although that is not always the case. They mostly reside in the Beneath, although they can be summoned to the material plane through specific ritual and bound, as Jaern's ancient [[history:jaern:veiledempire|Veiled Empire]] once did. Demons are also referred to by the terms "infernal" or "fiend" on occasion. No matter their nature, benevolent to malevolent or somewhere in between, they are powerful and unpredictable.
 ==== Dreamt ==== ==== Dreamt ====
   * Origin: [[settings:planes:dreaming|The Dreaming]]   * Origin: [[settings:planes:dreaming|The Dreaming]]
-  * Category: Fey+  * Category: Spirit โœง
 This is a broad umbrella term. The **[[lore:creatures:dreamt|Dreamt]]** can be many things, from the tiniest sprites and magical creatures in fairytales to powerful and esoteric archfey. They are born from the dreams and thoughts of mortals, and most are no more powerful than a mundane creature or person. Their natures vary just as much. Many dreamt have a reputation for being tricksy and mischievous. This is a broad umbrella term. The **[[lore:creatures:dreamt|Dreamt]]** can be many things, from the tiniest sprites and magical creatures in fairytales to powerful and esoteric archfey. They are born from the dreams and thoughts of mortals, and most are no more powerful than a mundane creature or person. Their natures vary just as much. Many dreamt have a reputation for being tricksy and mischievous.
 +**//This page and its sublinks are WIP. If you have more suggestions, please contact the Story Board.//**
lore/creatures.1715558134.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/12 19:55 by quiddlesticks