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history:jaern [2024/10/13 09:30] – [Time of Gods and Dragons] scizor021history:jaern [2024/10/13 09:39] (current) – [The Modern Age] scizor021
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   * Great Jaernian Blizzard (10078-10079)   * Great Jaernian Blizzard (10078-10079)
   * Ishar Magaroth Attacks the Rhine (10078)   * Ishar Magaroth Attacks the Rhine (10078)
 +  * Reformation of [[settings:jaern:Keerlevex|Keer'Levex]] (4/10/10078)
   * Jaern Switches to the Gold Standard (10077)   * Jaern Switches to the Gold Standard (10077)
   * Reform of the Tarusian Priesthood (10069 - 10078)   * Reform of the Tarusian Priesthood (10069 - 10078)
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 Karfelon was destroyed in approximately 10039 when its great sea wall broke due to a magical item detonation. Having existed 140 feet below sea level, the city was destroyed in a matter of minutes leaving very few survivors. Karfelon was destroyed in approximately 10039 when its great sea wall broke due to a magical item detonation. Having existed 140 feet below sea level, the city was destroyed in a matter of minutes leaving very few survivors.
-Centralia was formed not long after in the Rhine region of Jaern, becoming home to many refugees of those who survived. The original three lords of Centralia also settled in, and began work on historical revisionism and memory tampering to remove memory of Karfelon and that Centralia had been the main city of Jaern. (See 2006/2010 manual entries)+**[[settings:jaern:therhine:centralia:centraliacity|Centralia City]]** was formed not long after in the Rhine region of Jaern, becoming home to many refugees of those who survived. The original three lords of Centralia also settled in, and began work on historical revisionism and memory tampering to remove memory of Karfelon and that Centralia had been the main city of Jaern. (See 2006/2010 manual entries)
 ===== Discovery of Terisium =====  ===== Discovery of Terisium ===== 
history/jaern.1728826257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/13 09:30 by scizor021