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history:jaern [2024/04/23 02:19] – [Time of Gods and Dragons] quiddlestickshistory:jaern [2024/10/13 09:39] (current) – [The Modern Age] scizor021
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 Major events of this era include: Major events of this era include:
-  * Creation of Ageron (10069) 
-  * Reform of the Tarusian Priesthood (10069 - 10078) 
-  * Jaern Switches to the Gold Standard (10077) 
-  * Ishar Magaroth Attacks the Rhine (10078) 
-  * Great Jaernian Blizzard (10078-10079) 
-  * Raze of Centralia & Prallian Independence (10079) 
   * Demonic Invasions of Ageron (10080)   * Demonic Invasions of Ageron (10080)
 +  * Raze of Centralia & Prallian Independence (10079)
 +  * Great Jaernian Blizzard (10078-10079)
 +  * Ishar Magaroth Attacks the Rhine (10078)
 +  * Reformation of [[settings:jaern:Keerlevex|Keer'Levex]] (4/10/10078)
 +  * Jaern Switches to the Gold Standard (10077)
 +  * Reform of the Tarusian Priesthood (10069 - 10078)
 +  * Creation of Ageron (10069)
 ===== Cahyalian Contact =====   ===== Cahyalian Contact =====  
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 **(10038 - 10069 SF, Worldwide)** **(10038 - 10069 SF, Worldwide)**
-[[history:jaern:gods_and_dragons|This time in Jaernian history]] is characterized by several major events with their impacts stretching across the world, as well as the presence of adventurers throughout. It began with the Day of Reckoning, when many of the gods' current incarnations were killed, featured events such as the return of dragons to Jaern, and ended with Ageron's creation as well as contact with Cahyali.+[[history:jaern:gods_and_dragons|This time in Jaernian history]] is characterized by several major events with their impacts stretching across the world, as well as the presence of adventurers throughout. It began with the Day of Reckoning, when many of the gods' current incarnations were killed, featured events such as the return of [[lore:creatures:greatbeasts:dragons|dragons]] to Jaern, and ended with Ageron's creation as well as contact with Cahyali.
 Major events of this era include:  Major events of this era include: 
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   * The Jalera Reign (10049 - 10052)   * The Jalera Reign (10049 - 10052)
   * Great Jaernian Plague (10044 - 10047)   * Great Jaernian Plague (10044 - 10047)
 +  * The formation of **[[settings:jaern:therhine:centralia:centraliacity|Centralia]]** (10040)
 +  * The Destruction of Karfelon (10039)
   * The Age of Reckoning (10038 - 10044)   * The Age of Reckoning (10038 - 10044)
 +Karfelon was destroyed in approximately 10039 when its great sea wall broke due to a magical item detonation. Having existed 140 feet below sea level, the city was destroyed in a matter of minutes leaving very few survivors.
 +**[[settings:jaern:therhine:centralia:centraliacity|Centralia City]]** was formed not long after in the Rhine region of Jaern, becoming home to many refugees of those who survived. The original three lords of Centralia also settled in, and began work on historical revisionism and memory tampering to remove memory of Karfelon and that Centralia had been the main city of Jaern. (See 2006/2010 manual entries)
 ===== Discovery of Terisium =====  ===== Discovery of Terisium ===== 
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 The Kaaren of Destruction lands on [[settings:jaern:geleia|Geleia]], Jaern in 7812 SF.  The Kaaren of Destruction lands on [[settings:jaern:geleia|Geleia]], Jaern in 7812 SF. 
 +===== Heavens' War =====
 +**(~5300-7839 SF, [[settings:planes:beneath|The Beneath]] and [[settings:planes:celestial|Celestial Planes]])**
 +Although most mortals never heard a single peep of this war, it raged violently for millennia, costing millions if not billions of lives - demon, deific, and mortal alike - and would end with the creation of the [[settings:planes:beneath:silentpact|Silent Pact]], still held to this day between the demons and the gods. The war was officially considered over when the Sovereign, the archdemon Paimon, sold the Beneath into servitude to the nascent [[history:jaern:veiledempire|Veiled Empire]].
 +The war still leaves its scars on both planes, as many demons, angels, and gods lived through it and still remember it. Many veterans of the bloody conflict are still alive, seeking revenge or even a new war entirely. Although this war happened on planes with a connection to many material worlds, [[settings:cahyali|Cahyali]] saw little of it; they did not have much contact with the Beneath during this time.
 ===== Elvesbane Strikes =====   ===== Elvesbane Strikes =====  
history/jaern.1713853184.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/23 02:19 by quiddlesticks