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history:jaern:centralia_raze [2024/04/03 20:36] – created quiddlestickshistory:jaern:centralia_raze [2024/04/03 21:08] (current) – removed quiddlesticks
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-====== Raze of Centralia: Journalism ====== 
-=== 04/12/10079 === 
-//An article published by the Centralia Guardian:// 
-> As we all know, beginning nearly a month ago, people across the world started becoming more lax, day-dreaming. Some who fell to this "illness" report having dreams of seeing a large "blue moon." This effect became more and more pronounced, and has hit the factory-town of Prall on our great island the hardest, an estimated 75% of the population becoming increasingly lethargic. This had an unprecedented effect on the iron production of Prall, which had closed its foundries in the first time since their opening. However, it appears that this illness has passed, in no small part to the contribution and goodwill of the Archer, Shaylyn, and Cromwell families, but the work still does not resume at its ordinary pace. At this time, the Centralian nobility assures the public that production rates will stabalize back to normal soon, and that there is no need for worry, all is well. 
-A manifesto from a group calling themselves "The Prallian Party" has been distributed around the same time as the article above. Notable excerpts are provided: 
-> We are the Prallian Party, and we hereby make our voices heard! Too long have we suffered under the heel of the so-called philantropists of Centralia City, with its gleaming facades scrubbed clean by the calloused hands of the people of Prall. Too long have their spit-shined boots rested on the backs of the people of Prall... 
-> ...under the leadership of Vicaria Steins, we make our demands known, trumpeted across the Rhine so all can hear our voice and know our names. Not only do we demand an increase to the minimum wage for **all** citizens across Centralia, we demand that Prall separate itself from the chains of Centralia City and be recognized as its own self-governed and independant city-state, and granted the political and diplomatic rights laid below... 
-> ...and until such efforts be made and proper negotiations held, the foundries of Prall shall lay cold and dark as the longest night of Pim; no hammer shall fall, no pickaxe shall ring, and the workshops shall remain quiet and empty, so our voice can be heard from Little Karfelon to Ocean Shore, from Pregada to our proud streets of Prall, and most loudly upon the ears of Centralia City. 
-It is rumored that the high lords and nobility of Centralia are coming together for a meeting on how to best deal with this development, and reports of protests have erupted across Prall. While no violence has started, it has the potential to boil over. 
-=== 04/12 - 04/21/10079 === 
-A series of daily reports from the island of Centralia documenting the raze of Centralia City: 
-> 4/19/10079. A dark cloud spreads from the carnival near the city of Prall. Reports of a disaster spread fast, a being released from the dreaming into Jaern. Within a singular day, it seems to have gained control of the city, extra tattoo's of eyes appearing on those who pledge allegiance to it, along with unseen powers. An army having been amassed, they marched on Centralia. Scouts and mages ahead of time were able to warn the denizens of the city of the incoming army, but they were unable to stop it. Not a single casualty was reported of this force. Eye witnesses say that it was being led by a small flock of At'enites, but it has been hard to verify, as they are always in wait for any who might try to interfere with them.  
-> 4/20/10079. The city of Centralia has been abandoned and razed by this invading force. Black smoke can be seen billowing up into the sky, with a singular large eye in the clouds over the city. Torites have been amassing in force to retake the city, but even still with preparations. Very few of this invading force have fallen. Of those that have, they appear to be commoners of Prall. Factory workers with no discernable mutates or unusual abilities.  
-> 4/21/10079. The T’orite high command has issued a statement that nobody is to go within a 1 met radius of Centralia, at risk of arrest, or death. Announcements will be posted as details are figured out. As of now, they are still processing their foes.  
-=== 06/29/10079 === 
-Breaking news from the Centralia Guardian! 
-> After aiding Count Lekira of the Spring Court, a party of adventurers were able to complete a greatly empowered Spirit Snare over the entirety of Centralia City. The snare was able to forcibly remove the divine influences the strange At'enites, now associated with a being called "The One With a Thousand Eyes," had over the citizens of Prall. With the citizens returned to normal, the city of Centralia has been made safe again, allowing the Centralia Mages' Guild and the Centralian Lords to return and resume normal business within the next few days((With shifting markets and repairs underway, the Centralia Mages' Guild (CMG) will be re-establishing their goods and services with updated prices, to be released soon. In the interim, it can be used to purchase prep or provide services at GM discretion using the previous documents.)).  
-> However, at the behest of Count Lekira of the Spring Court, both the Prallian party, Centralian Lords, and the adventuring party were gathered together to decide and resolve the issues between the city of Prall and Centralia City, as continued tension would only lead to further disasters. It is reported that the adventurers were able to sway the Centralian Lords to give into the demands of the Prallian Party. Thus, as of today, the city of Prall is now an independent city-state led by the Prallian Party and Vicaria Steins has been elected the first chancellor of Prall. All charges against the Prallian citizens were dropped and they were allowed to return home.  
-> As part of the negotiation, Centralia and Prall have now entered into a trade agreement allowing Centralia to import Prallian goods, notably iron and steel goods, but at market prices set up by Prall.  
-> In additional news, the T'orite Enclave in Centralia City has suffered severe damage and is currently under repair. It appears that, in addition to damage to the structure, internal documents, evidence, and supplies may also be damaged, missing, or tampered with. The responsible party has not yet been found. While the Enclave will be back up within a week, full repairs to the structure may a few months. 
history/jaern/centralia_raze.1712190988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/03 20:36 by quiddlesticks