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history:cahyali [2024/09/22 01:20] – [The Modern Age] quiddlestickshistory:cahyali [2024/10/12 22:21] (current) – [The Stormwing Calamity] quiddlesticks
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 [[history:cahyali:stormwingcalamity|The Stormwing Calamity]] was an ancient war fought between Cahyali's true dragons and the //Strygarii,// a primordial species of ancient and powerful bird-like creatures. Although it never touched the parts of Cahyali currently mapped, the conflict was so widespread it has made its way firmly into Cahyalian legend. Human and dwarven myths both include mention of a "great escape" from "the devastation of the god-beasts" or similar. The Stormwing Calamity is commonly accepted to be the reason why dragons are rarely seen nowadays. [[history:cahyali:stormwingcalamity|The Stormwing Calamity]] was an ancient war fought between Cahyali's true dragons and the //Strygarii,// a primordial species of ancient and powerful bird-like creatures. Although it never touched the parts of Cahyali currently mapped, the conflict was so widespread it has made its way firmly into Cahyalian legend. Human and dwarven myths both include mention of a "great escape" from "the devastation of the god-beasts" or similar. The Stormwing Calamity is commonly accepted to be the reason why dragons are rarely seen nowadays.
-**[[lore:races:humanoids#dwarves|Dwarves]]** were the first to flee the Stormwing Calamity, sailing in and alighting in the mountains of Pthora from the east in about 1000 SF. Little is known about the homeland of the dwarves from beyond Esrior's Fold, but some Pthoran historians have termed it "Nidaheim". Old dwarven myth-songs lament the loss of their homeland.+**[[lore:races:humanoids#dwarves|Dwarves]]** were the first to flee the Stormwing Calamity, sailing in and alighting in the mountains of Pthora from the east in about 1000 SF. Little is known about the homeland of the dwarves from beyond Esrior's Fold, but some Pthoran historians have termed it "Nidaior". Old dwarven myth-songs lament the loss of their homeland.
 **[[lore:races:humanoids#humans|Humans]]** are believed to have originated in a continent, now inaccessible due to Esrior's Fold, somewhere north of Shinneok. This place was connected to Shinneok by a land bridge in ancient times, and humanity has occupied known Cahyali since about 1500 SF when they fled the Stormwing Calamity over the bridge. **[[lore:races:humanoids#humans|Humans]]** are believed to have originated in a continent, now inaccessible due to Esrior's Fold, somewhere north of Shinneok. This place was connected to Shinneok by a land bridge in ancient times, and humanity has occupied known Cahyali since about 1500 SF when they fled the Stormwing Calamity over the bridge.
history/cahyali.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/12 22:21 by quiddlesticks