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gods:tarus [2024/05/12 15:32] quiddlesticksgods:tarus [2024/10/02 21:00] (current) – [The Gatekeeper, Tarus-Nāṣiru] aieslwz
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 ====The Gatekeeper, Tarus-Nāṣiru==== ====The Gatekeeper, Tarus-Nāṣiru====
-Humanoid is the only word that can maybe be used to describe Tarus-Nāṣiru. They do not stand in the physical world; instead they pull those they wish to speak to, to a segment of their domain, unknown to anyone else. In this void, nothing physical staysIn this section Tarus-Nāṣiru exists in an ever-shifting state, every aspect of their appearance slowly changingIn this world everything is background noise, so overwhelming one can not take in all of it.+Humanoid is the only word that can maybe be used to describe Tarus-Nāṣiru. They rarely make visits to the physical world; instead they pull those they wish to speak to, to the top of their domain, a place very few are permitted to go. Tarus-Nāṣiru exists in an ever shifting state, features slowly fading into each other to create something inexactThe more one tries to study him the more his appearance shiftsactively hiding his true appearance. A representation of his domain of secrecy, Tarus-Nāṣiru speaks painfully indirectly, even more so than the Maxim, and may even speak in reference to knowledge the listen doesn't have. That being said, his words carry heavy meaning and thought, the information that one could discern could be revolutionary, if one were to put in the effort to decipher his words.
-Tarus-Nāṣiru is representation of pure knowledgeoverwhelming and dangerous and the sector is an extension of this. Anyone who stays here for too long would soon go mad, only having the potential to stay sane with the understanding that not everything is worth knowing. Tarus-Nāṣiru only brings one here when something dangerous is on the cusp of being revealedThey will not speak at all, only communicating by sending images or text into one’brainonly that which has been spoken or seen may be used to communicate here+It was once thought that being brought into The Gatekeeper's domain was death sentenceas those who returned went mad, but often times that it because they failed to understand the words the Gatekeeper spoke to themWhen making the decision to understand the Gatekeeper'wordsone must consider that things are hidden for a reason.
-Tarus-Nāṣiru is not a giftThey are warning.+This has brought up the question in Tarusian circles of why would Tarus-Nāṣiru summon anyone if the point was for them to not learn anything and the truth is that no one is sure, many ideas exist, but even the most convincing of them seem inexact and hazyThe Gatekeeper is an enigma, being who offers the key, but no door
 ====The Thief, Tarus-Bouma, Surt==== ====The Thief, Tarus-Bouma, Surt====
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 ====Holidays==== ====Holidays====
 **The Refounding**, Napen 16, is the day when the first Tarusian temple was reopened on Jaern after the disaster of Geheric (the miscalculation of fuel for a flying machine destroyed the island and the thousands of people on it.) On this day, adults feast while children prepare and display signs of their knowledge. After the feast, the children’s exhibits are judged by the elder priests, and the best are chosen. These children are rewarded, and immediately invited to apply for entry into the Archive. **The Refounding**, Napen 16, is the day when the first Tarusian temple was reopened on Jaern after the disaster of Geheric (the miscalculation of fuel for a flying machine destroyed the island and the thousands of people on it.) On this day, adults feast while children prepare and display signs of their knowledge. After the feast, the children’s exhibits are judged by the elder priests, and the best are chosen. These children are rewarded, and immediately invited to apply for entry into the Archive.
 +=====Archive Organization=====
 +The Thothite Classification System (TCS) categorization system used most commonly on both Jearn and Cahyali was invented by Thothite priests in the days of the Dahabu empire. The system has never been perfect as during the Dahabu Empire it wasn't uncommon to see folk history and the like put into class 9. In fact often times archives would be pressured to classify certain works is certain ways to fit the ideals of the government in power. While this practice has faded in many places and a more unbiased categorization has been implemented not every archive has adapted or been able to adapt. 
 +  * 0 General Resources and Library Sciences
 +  * 1 History
 +  * 2 Religion
 +  * 3 Philosophy & Psychology
 +  * 4 Social Sciences
 +  * 5 Mathematics & Natural Sciences
 +  * 6 Applied Sciences
 +  * 7 Arts & Recreation
 +  * 8 //Vacant//
 +  * 9 Linguistics & Literature
gods/tarus.1715542320.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/12 15:32 by quiddlesticks