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settings:kurago [2023/10/16 00:51] quiddlesticks
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 +====== The Kurago ======
 +Put simply, the Kurago is the spirit world. Unlike many other planes commonly known to the Cefa'zisto such as the Celestial Realms and the Beneath, the Kurago exists irrespective of mortal thought and belief. It has existed before mortalkind, and will continue to exist after it, reflecting all that exists in the material world. A world of mystery, the Kurago is as diverse as the spirits that inhabit it. It is possible to travel through the Kurago and pass by locales as varied as miles upon miles of thick mist, to fields where lost spirits amble about aimlessly, to great cities of debauchery and affluence ruled by ghost-kings.
 +The parts of the Kurago that reflect the world of Jaern are the homes of the Jaernian nomad spirits: ancient beings who perished in the destruction of Torandor. Much of this place resembles the lost land of Alborn, the earthly home of these spirits. Time after time, they reincarnate to guide [[lore:backgrounds:nomad|Jaernian nomads]], with the nomad's life and experiences eventually joining with the spirit as it returns to the Kurago upon the nomad's death.
 +Any living being who remains in the Kurago too long runs the risk of losing themselves, becoming lost without help and unable to find their way back to the material world... until their body fades away and they become a spirit themselves. The Kurago has a few broad, distinct parts.
 +===== The Outskirts =====
 +Someone who first enters the Kurago from the Cefa'zisto will find themselves in the Outskirts. This travel can be accomplished by falling off the islands of [[settings:cahyali:itlanyouali|Itlan-Youali]], using a portal, or other regular magical means. The Outskirts are mostly empty. While there is solid ground, there are few to no objects found here, with everything cloaked in a fog that reduces visibility to a mere 10-30 feet in front of you. The most that exists are crumbling stone ruins in an architectural style that doesn't resemble anything known on Jaern or Cahyali, past or present. 
 +Here and there, "holes" in the Outskirts can be found that lead to the Kurago proper, but these are difficult to find and are often guarded by spirits known as Gate Guardians. Uncountable numbers of these spirits exist, and it is not known if they take the post up temporarily or are bound to wander and guard the Outskirts forever. Getting on the good side of a Gate Guardian and convincing them to help is often the only reliable way for a living person to access the Kurago proper.
 +===== The Mists =====
 +This term is somewhat of a misnomer, as the Kurago Mists may or may not be actually cloaked in mist. Some places are, and some are clear as day. The Mists are believed to make up most of the Kurago, and the majority of spirits spend most of their time in this area. A living person can persist in the Mists almost indefinitely, provided they don't become hopeless or lost - there is no negative effect one experiences by spending time here. 
 +Much of the Mists, especially its more "natural" locales, are in cool, desaturated shades, most commonly blue and purple. What mystical flora exists is often bioluminescent; adventurers have reported sights of flowers with glowing petals, or grasses with odd luminous bulbs on their tallest stalks. The fauna here resembles earthly wildlife, but can't really be compared directly.
 +===== The Delves =====
 +Even the spirits of the Kurago may not know much about the Kurago Delves. They are deep, dark places, reflecting what is most wild and unknown about the material realm - and, at the same time, holding perhaps the most valuable treasures and secrets the Kurago has to offer. The spirits that inhabit Delves are thought to be overall more hostile than those who live in the Mists, and rarely interact with the Cefa'zisto in a guardian-spirit capacity. When they do, it is not uncommon for these Delve spirits to force their minds over top of the mortal's, and become second lifers.
 +The Delves are detrimental to the living: without protection of another spirit or their magic, a mortal's body and soul will dissolve away into the fabric of the Kurago after about 24 hours spent continuously within a Delve, leaving only the spirit behind. These places are dark, but often don't have obvious delineations with the Mists. It is possible for a patch of safe ground to exist within an expansive Delve, or a small Delve to crop up within what is otherwise a bustling city in the Mists. Many spirits can sense the boundary somewhat intuitively, but the living cannot.