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settings:ageron:markduk [2016/03/03 13:08] monkeykensusettings:ageron:markduk [2016/03/14 01:40] – [General City Description] syper
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 =====General Location Description===== =====General Location Description=====
 ==== Geography ==== ==== Geography ====
-Markduk resides on a peninsula, officialy known as the Ergo peninsula. Though it is colloquially known as Death's Corridor, due to it containing the vast desert of Aeres. The bay next to which the city sits is known to the locals as Timber Bay, likely because of the vast stores of sunken ships resting in its depths. +Markdak resides on a peninsula, officialy known as the Ergo peninsula. Though it is colloquially known as Death's Corridor, due to it containing the vast desert of Kroan. The bay next to which the city sits is known to the locals as Timber Bay, likely because of the vast stores of sunken ships resting in its depths. 
 ====General City Description==== ====General City Description====
-Markduk is what you might expect of a port town run by scoundrels, ruffians, and other members of societies underbelly. It's streets are poorly cobbled, often with potholes and sections where no one had bothered to upgrade them from dirt paths. It's buildings range from the most ramshackle of sheds one could find located in the outskirts of the city, to a few larger and, by comparison, extravagant houses scattered around the city center. These larger buildings, of course, belong to the various pirate captains that call the port home. Throughout the city one could find all manor of seedy practices, from gambling dens, to brothels, to more inns, taverns, and bars than one would expect to find in a city of this size. The layout of buildings around the city center is at best disorderly, which quickly devolves to haphazard as you head towards the edge of town. The town hall is currently the largest building in town. Standing at three stories tall and crafted of actual stone, the mayors stay here for their short tenure+Markdak is what you might expect of a port town run by scoundrels, ruffians, and other members of societies underbelly. It's streets are poorly cobbled, often dotted with potholes and several sections with dirt paths that show where development is lacking. It's buildings range from the most ramshackle of sheds one could findlocated in the outskirts of the city, to a few larger and, by comparison, extravagant houses scattered around the city center. This is changing somewhat, as the new government has been trying to improve the quality of life in the city. The larger buildings, of course, belong to the various privateer captains that call the port home. Throughout the city one could find all manor of seedy practices, from gambling dens, to brothels, to more inns, taverns, and bars than one would expect to find in a city of this size. The layout of buildings around the city center is at best disorderly, which quickly devolves to haphazard as you head towards the edge of town. The town hall is currently the largest building in town. It stands at three stories talland is one of the few buildings made of stone. 
 ====City Atmosphere and Culture==== ====City Atmosphere and Culture====
-If you've ever had a friend who would rob you blind and probably stab you in a dark alleyyou either have a terrible choice of friends or are an adventurerYou would, however, understand the kind of place Markduk tends to be. There is, however, a strange honor amongst these thieves +A rough and tumble place for surethis city is not for the faint of heartThough it has been improving ever since the forming of the tribunal, there are still plenty of reasons to watch your backand keep tight watch on your coin purse
-The city is constantly shifting and changing as people come and go with the tides. The official population ranges, but the actual number currently there tends to be in actuality much higher. Influxes in population drive a bit of expansion for the city, before slowing as people head back out. The result is that many of the building have no permanent occupants, and several fall into disrepair.+With a more stable government and economy, comes a more stable populace. More accurate reporting of population has led to a higher count. Many people still come and go, but any who regularly make port in the city and stay for periods of time are counted as part of the population. Managing the city's residents has become much easierand as more people immigrate to the new city buildings are filled and taken over more permanently.
-Due to it being a pirate townthe various crews that make home there posses a certain air of significancesimilar to the noble families of more respectable citiesThe more wealthmen, and power certain crew has accumulated the more prestige they have+The cities populace is comprised of peoples of all racesand several walks of life. Most all are treated fairlyas the citizens see themselves as being on equal footing with the others Though"fairly" in this case often means that no one race is subject to disproportionate amount of robberies
-Currently, the town's pirate crews operate completely independently of the actual towns governmentmostly paying lip service to the mayor while following their own agendasThey recognize the port town as neutral territoryand as such manage to get along well enoughViolating this agreement can result in various punishments meted out by the other crews+Due to it being a privateer town, the various crews that make home there possess a certain air of significancesimilar to the noble families of more respectable citiesThe more wealth, men, and power a certain crew has accumulated the more prestige they have.  
 +The towns privateer crews now meet every month to decide on important issues to the town, though they can call emergency sessions to deal with surprisesThey defer to the mayor in case of ties on issues. The newly established form of government has been much more stable, achieving a greater satisfaction among the populace
 The town has a sizable portion of people who follow Neptune, and as sailors many have great respect for Neptunites. They often make offerings and pray to Neptune before voyages.  The town has a sizable portion of people who follow Neptune, and as sailors many have great respect for Neptunites. They often make offerings and pray to Neptune before voyages. 
 +A sizable portion of this town's supplies come from plunder brought in by privateers. Many merchants are given permission to dock now, and subscribe to a mutual agreement for lower prices in exchange for protection from piracy. More of the towns people have made farms outside the city, so now some food stuffs are grown outside the city. These farms are quite valuable to the city's government, and as a result receive some protection from bandits. The rest of what this town needs are brought up out of the sea, either in the form of fish or salvage. 
 =====Notable Features===== =====Notable Features=====
 ====The docks==== ====The docks====
-Contrasted to the rest of the city, the docks are practically extravagant. Comparable to something you would find in a city several times larger, they easily contain the various fleets of ships, as well as having dry dock facilities for repairs and maintenance. Each pirate crew maintains a warehouse next to the dock, which are agreed to be inviolable territory.  +Contrasted to the rest of the city, the docks are practically architectural masterpieces. Comparable to something you would find in a city several times larger, they easily contain the various fleets of ships, as well as having dry dock facilities for repairs and maintenance. Each pirate crew maintains a warehouse next to the dock, which are agreed to be inviolable territory.  
 ====Temple of Neptune==== ====Temple of Neptune====
-This building is a single story stone building, located on the shore. Though not staffed by any current priests, many of the towns residents visit to pay their respects. +This building is a single story stone building, located on the shore. Though not staffed by any current true priests, many of the towns residents visit to pay their respects, and a few even take it upon themselves to maintain it. Donations to the temple are kept to support its upkeep
 ====The Sailors Bargain==== ====The Sailors Bargain====
-Simply called the Barge by locals, this is the largest bar in town. It is a wooden structure 2 stories tall, and offers rooms upstairs. It has the largest selection of drinks, and is regarded to have the best quality (read, least watered down) alcohol. Many crews come here to celebrate achievements and successfull ventures. It is owned by a kindly and unassuming woman named Catia. She has the respect of many of the towns residents, and is a shrewd businesswoman. It is often very unwise to stir up trouble in her establishment.+Simply called the Barge, or jokingly referred to as "the Bar'a'gain", by locals, this is the largest bar in town. It is a wooden structure 2 stories tall, and offers rooms upstairs. It has the widest selection of drinks, and is regarded to have the best quality (read, least watered down) alcohol. Many crews come here to celebrate achievements and successful ventures. It is owned by a kindly and unassuming woman named Catia. She has the respect of many of the towns residents, and is a shrewd businesswoman. It is often very unwise to stir up trouble in her establishment. 
 +====Town Hall==== 
 +No longer and empty seat, this place now houses the Tribunal of Captains, and is the seat of power for this city. People bring their issues here to be dealt with by the mayor, who decides if an issue is something to be dealt with immediately or to be brought to the next meeting. 
 +====City Guard House==== 
 +Needing a better way to police the city, the captains agreed to create a force to do that for it. Composed of sailors from all crews as well as regular citizens, this does a fair job of maintaining order. It isn't perfect though, and some level of corruption has been noted. 
 +=====Notable People===== 
 +This woman is the owner of the bar in town known as the Sailors Bargain. She is kindly, but quick to deal with any trouble someone may stir up in her bar. Many people throughout the town respect her as a result of her fair dealings and skillful bar tending. As of recently, there are rumors that she has even more influence over the town than one would expect, and her dealings with some rather...strange, individuals only reinforce this idea. 
 +====Justice Bard==== 
 +This adventurer has begun a concert tour in Markdak to much acclaim, and rumors of his fame have been spreading ever since he played his first show in the Sailors Bargain. His fans and coverers of his songs have been taking their stories abroad when they travel. There is a chance that wherever he travels in this new land that some may have heard of him. 
 +=====The Privateer Crews===== 
 +====The Red veil==== 
 +Flag: A red strip of cloth 
 +Captain: Penn 'Albatross' Clare 
 +Flagship: Night Fall 
 +Description: This crew values wealth and profit over most else. Their ships are by far the fastest in the city, and their crew are known for their fast reaction times. 
 +====Siren's Way==== 
 +Flag: Mermaid sitting on a rock, white background 
 +Captain: Joe 'The Fox' 
 +Flagship: Night Pearl 
 +Description: This crew's takes pride in their ship's appearances, and as such appeal to the fancier clients that wish to make an impression as they travel. Their crews tend to be well kept, and have above average looks. 
 +====Sea's Claw==== 
 +Flag: Bird's foot on a blue background 
 +Captain Marcia 'Long eyes' Upton 
 +Flagship: Blind Valiant 
 +Description: This crew has a prestigious record, and is known for getting the job done at whatever the cost. They are known to fight to the bitter end, and will never betray their employer. 
 +Flag: Rows of bones on a black background 
 +Captain Halbert 'Foal' Alin 
 +Flagship: Neptune's Pillager 
 +Description: This crew is somewhat of a wildcard, and their preferences and loyalties change frequently. They are extremely adaptable though, and are great in a fight. 
 +=====Game Calendar===== 
 +This area is for all games here past, present, and future to be displayed. Before running a game here make sure to check whether someone else is, and be sure to post your own game as well. 
 +March 5-Bradley (Changed Government), Matt(Bar burnt down)