Centrali' Times - Halden 13, 10026

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Is'Damor Goes Black

The light atop Is'Damor did not come on this week. The detail from the Solarium that keeps it lit could not figure out the problem. Their spells all seem to be working, just no light is coming forth. Sources inside the Solarium reveal that Leader Prem feels that this is the work of Hirudo, or perhaps some rebel faction. In either case ship movement inside our harbor has slowed during the night.

Official word from both the Sepulchre and the Solarium was tailored to ease people's minds. Both temples state that the gods are still happy with us and that this is definately the work of men. Constant effort has managed only one small burst of light that dimmed and died within moments. The Solarium promises that the Light will always find a way. Although no official word is to be had, the Guild may be working with the Solarium on this issue.

Hirudo Captured

The Enclave has announced that two hirudo were captured entering the city. They were captured on seperate sides of the city. Both were questioned by Enclave and Solarium Guard. Upon swearing the oath, both burst into flames and were destroyed.

Enclave sources admit that they would have preferred more time for questioning.



Students Wanted

Cardinal Dusk is looking for talented, young women to teach in the art of sculpting. Cardinal Dusk, while not publically showing his work in a few years, is a genious with marble. If you have spirit and a willingness to learn, stop by. Interviews often take several hours so lunch is on the Cardinal.