Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Arlais LeChance
Don gone, people are angry
Plot Synopsis
Dragon wakes up Ikeye’a, and tell them to get Idalia, they tell her that the don is gone
Inara notices that Cad is gone, and their bird is going crazy
Inara’s bird attempts to get cad’s bird’s attention
Null tries to break down the marble door with help of another goon, which barely budges
Inara tells vaga about the tall cloaked figure she saw last time, and gives vaga bird tips
Arlais gets lakoth to look at the magic circle around the don
Karasu notices drag patterns from the don’s position
Maxi finds someone to help, Eisvet who is missing an arm, and tries to help them
Altiel helps her, and gets that she was talking to Splinters about changing guild requirements making people angry
Ikeye’a looks for Reggie, and sees his poster
Null blows up a firecracker in the door hinge, then convinces a goon to start punching it
Karasu makes a bomb
Altiel finds Dracsolin’s corpse, talks to Fortuna without mentioning Altiel works for the don
Maxi breaks out through a window and finds a pile of waiter corpses blocking the door
Lakoth teleport outside the door
Dragon tells Ikeye’a that Null needs to be hidden
Section: 2
Dragon puts Null in a velvet chest in the bookshop and goes to talk to tipo
The party discusses in the bookstore
Ikeye’a finds Iggy’s old manuscripts
Tipo and dragon take them to a family meeting with the goonion and Emilia
Emilia blows up and threatens to kill them
Tipo intervenes
Emilia: “Just because you’re *fucking* my father doesn’t give you any right to -”
She leaves angrily
Amelia talks to the party and they tell her their clues
She says they should plan a wedding to get the don back
Null starts astral projecting and is led by honey to gopher
Null eats some spirit grass and is shown gophers manufacturing floor/workspace
Null returns to normal (as normal as Null can be)
Noteworthy Postgame Events