Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary Evans
Chang (Cici)
Maris (Simeon R.)
Rik (Eli H.)
Gale (Zoe K.)
Sauri Vix (Jack S.)
Izzu (Daniel)
Remy (Ben H.)
Annabelle (Vincent A.)
Kataleuin Duet 7 - Nidhaior
Plot Synopsis
Arriving on Nidiaor, the party spent the day trying to gather information and going shopping. Most of the shopkeepers were very eager to sell their products, even testing them on the party. Thankfully, Makar was able to collect proper information. He determined the people lived in the tall stone spires. Flying inside, the party found an inn to stay in. Unfortunately there was no library, as being near a volcano it created too much of a fire hazard. Information was passed down through the oral tradition instead. After a rest, Rik, Annabelle, and Gale learned that the people grew rhubarb plants in the dark as an offering to Ohtun. It turned out Ohtun also ate souls. The party decided the best way to gain Ohtun's favor is to gain a sponsorship and serve him some “soul food.” Good thing party has Remiro for help!
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