February 22, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Altiel Inare
Arlais LeChance
Ikeye'a Ay'tim
Karasu Ijikuri
Maxi Aethera


Fighting your shadow clone in a dream wasteland

Plot Synopsis

The freaky one begins now >:3
The party wakes up in the same room as before but darkened, everyone is frozen how they last saw them
Clementine fainted very daintily
There’s a gong sound and the evil clones appear
All of them are dressed in tattered clothes, except Karasu, who’s very well-dressed
Player Null is human-sized, Lakoth is taller (7’11), Ieyk'ya has a third ak 47
Null casts chaos magic on a door, and it disintegrates, revealing the red, fiery landscape outside
They’re fighting yippeeeeee
This fight may take longer than expected
Karasu kills himself on the first round with an assist from Ikeye’a
Disappears from the battle field and arrives in his childhood between, finds two wrenches that he can play drums with
His corpse is just kinda. Sitting there in the room
Altiel’s clone psionic blasts her at point blank range
Real Altiel’s skull explodes, and she switches to being into the clone’s body
Transports to childhood bedroom, gets a non-bloody but moth-eaten outfit and grabs a flute
Finds her corpse in the closet
Maxi’s clone point blank casts a lightning spell into her chest. It isn’t fun
Childhood bedroom yippee. There’s moss.
The corpse of Maxi is there
Maxi tries to use the recorder as a drumstick
Her room is actually pretty cozy
Lakoth’s clone kills themselves on the net
Lakoth’s childhood bedroom has no tables
Drumset is also there
Ikeye’a kills his clone by teleporting towards it and shooting it three times with three separate AK-47s
Childhood bedroom with a saxophone
Ouros vaporizes her clone
No bedroom, she just conks out afterwards
Null defeats her clown in a
Childhood bedroom is the lab
There’s a bunch of pro-union posters
The instrument is one of those piano-flute things
Inara’s falcon divebombs Inara’s clone and murders it
Inara returns to her childhood clearing in the woods (wolf den)
There’s a kinda dusty clarinet
Ber appears to most party members and declares that they shouldn’t be here before disintegrating into a pile of poker chips and dolls of tiny Hamlet
Clementine tells Lakoth
Stone Tipo just crushes Ikeye’a
Back in the wasteland, a colossal dragon rises out of the volcano
The gala floor they’re on rises up, a mech body coming out of the ground beneath them, with 5 sections, marked with a gun, a crystal, a sprig of mint, and an orb, with a central circle marked with a shield

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