February 15, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Altiel Inare
Arlais LeChance
Ikeye'a Ay'tim
Karasu Ijikuri
Maxi Aethera


Beautiful Gala goes very poorly

Plot Synopsis

The mansion has a grape orchard
The don, Oakley, Ikeye’a, Noll, and Vesper are in the horse carriage
They enter the mansion, and Lakoth bribes a server to sit on the table
The Don, still frustrated with them, immediately tells them to go bother someone else and make themselves useful. Will direct them towards Emelia so they can avoid making a fool of themselves (she will tell them about mayoral candidates, or at least the basics)
Claims that he won’t be associated with Maxi, Karasu, or Altiel
Gives everyone else a pin with the family crest, Rams' horns with Gladiolus flowers laced in the curls
Emilia tells Karasu about the three mayoral candidates, Reggie, Chad, and Dracsolin
Karasu talks to Reggie
Clementine flirts with Lakoth
Ikeye’a talks with Iggy about her books
Ecklan is annoyed by Sora and Oakley fighting while drunk
Karause fails to convince the Don he’s in danger
Clementine gives Maxi a drink
Everyone seems really drunk (not the don), and Clementine starts saying how Reggie will obviously win the election and invites him up on stage, Reggie seems confused but accepts it
The waitstaff has been replaced with robots that emit some type of sleeping gas, and a dark cloaked figure enters the room
The party all falls asleep, though Karasu makes a legendary effort to stay awake

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