March 11, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Jack Steuber
Laisyros Vidmantos


Movement Through the Desert Sands (PbP) Week 4

Plot Synopsis

The party accepts Juum to follow them on their journey, and Juum shows off a collection of magical flowers to the party. After finishing showing off flowers and resting, the party moved forward, meeting with a magical energy where Laisyros and May saw two different people in the carriage, and May traded a potion for a book on the Phyrexians( which was traded from a gnome and Laisyros traded some gold for a book that depicts the events of ‘It’s time to rob a archive’ but shown in a different form and a book describing the fake god “Uro Gesior Eneas Awyn Ubis” from a demon. After this event, they finished the day off with a rest and started getting ready for arriving at the final destination.

The final day depicted Juum running out of the carriage while going near the end location and disappearing, and part of the party seeing an illusionary dragon blocking the entrance to the end point while other party members just seeing a ribcage with runes on them. After a bit of time, the party disbelieved the dragon and disenchanted the runes, causing the place to open up, and the party found a Juums actual body with the flowers as 1 of the magic item rewards and found an entrance to a archive requiring to speak in phyrexian to past.

With the adventure done, the party got a total of 12500 exp because the party had passed five Saturdays worth of weeks and got a total of 1500G as the gold reward, they also got JHS001 as one of the item rewards and a unique magic item based on a flower.

coGM was done by Zachary E

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