Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Altiel Inare
Arlais LeChance
Ikeye'a Ay'tim
Karasu Ijikuri
Maxi Aethera
First session defending the Don
Plot Synopsis
Noll wakes up everyone by casting chaos magic and summoning a sober irishman that hates potatoes
Everyone heads to dragons bookshop, Altiel gets 3 flies
Inara tries and fails to get an alley cat
Ikeye’a finds an art book
Nives is fighting breakfast and losing
Karasu helps her out, Arlais makes smoothies
Tipo talks to the party, mentions they suspect the Vernons killed Gopher
They tell him they entered C williams detective office
My Alchemical Gnomance exists
Tipo has emo nephews now
Ilaria leaves her room, and Arlais and Altiel talk to her, kinda freak her out, but Ilaria invites them to a concert
Dragons drags Ouros to Tipo, telling him to tell Ouros about what's going on more
Dragons gives Ikeye’a their AK47 and tells them about Chad/Thad/Brad Stickwell
Ikeye’a gets a rundown on Dragons’ kids
Al is married to Alyssa, who Dragons is ambivalent towards. She is a teacher
Iguana is married to Laura, who is a plumber. Plumbing is an up and coming industry
9 zombies, 2 get knocked unconscious, 1 falls off the roof, 1 killed, two looking bad, fingerless one got solid hit, door fistcuff takes 4 damage
They get baked goods from annies, can tell the don doesnt like her
Don talks to vernons
Nives used to work for the Vernons
Was the best chef at the bar
The party is Bad At First Impressions
Noteworthy Postgame Events