Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Marek Morrill
Ignis (Connor)
J.I.M (Cody)
Aria (Iris)
Luin (Nuno)
Orzal (Sean)
Brim (Connor)
Feare (Caroline)
Fallyn (Paige)
Fate of Chains: Rozmakhigrad III [Shinneok, Cahyali; Pthora, Cahyali]
Plot Synopsis
After party returned from the mission ‘Upon Misty Oars’, they took the day to heal up and refresh their units courtesy of the local priests before heading out on the mission ‘A Test Of Leadership’ the next day. This mission was from the kingdom of Shinneok and required party to split. One half was to lead the troops of Shinneok to fight the Ley’orkian army who had captured a small port town. They were given command of 400 Golden Laurels and 800 line infantry to conquer the town. The other half of party was to take out the artillery contingent in the town that posed a danger to the army.
Party proceeded to go absolutely insane and accomplish both tasks with nearly no casualties. The army only lost one unit (100 line infantry) while party proceeded to infiltrate the town undetected and blow the magazine holding all the weapons and ammo sky high using a bird holding a shaped charge. They then attacked the disoriented troops as the town was in chaos and eliminated the entire unit of 100 marines within 3 rounds of combat using AOE spells. This was nearly all mid-rate characters…
After winning that mission in an astounding matter party was teleported back to camp with 6 new artillery cannons and more than 1000 new troops.
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