February 08, 2025

Game Master
Noah Kauffman
Mrs Fiorino
Dr Lace


Walking With Wolves (Arenti, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

Saturday Second Game:

The party through divine compulsion came to the edges of lake buttercup where they met with a one eyed stranger who they later learned to be Silas Von Otto. Silas brought the group further into the woods of Arenti to meet with the demigods of Osiris along with Osiris herself who hired them to go and cause havoc among the occupying forces of Ley'ork and Pthora. the party partook in a ritual that granted them animal companions and Dr. Lace gained the ability to become a weresnake. the party alongside Silas, a horde of Frosland warriors, and dozens of wild animals all powered by the goddess Osiris herself charged headlong into the fields surrounding the capital of Arenti on a mission to retrieve the fleeing Iudex (leader of Arenti). the party caused havoc, summoning storms and laying waste to a sizable chunk of the occupation forces in Arenti and near the capital. The party was successful in retrieving the leader of Arenti and escorted her back to Osiris. before leaving though, Lavare used some magic and his dreamt title of the lord of crystals to create a crystaline forest with edible crystal fruits behind in the wake of the destruction caused by them and the occupying forces.

Story implications: Arenti has now become a staging ground for Osiris in her plans to find someone to take up the mantel of the demigod Julius. a young world tree (a copy of Yggdrasil, not the full thing but a young copy) has been planted near the banks of the Alba river where it diverges into the ocean and lake buttercup. The Iudex is now living within the sacred grove created by Osiris and is under her protection, in exchange, Osiris was given a promise that Arenti may be used as a stage grounding and portal area. at the end of session. large machines that have animal forms have appeared out of the grove and begun to wander through Arenti and some of the coastline around it, spreading seeds, tilling the fields, purifying the water and air, and reversing ecological damage brought by heavy industry. those that attempt to be hostile towards the machines are met with extremely aggressive responses from them. the area around the grove has also become a staging ground for resistance fighters in Arenti against Ley'Ork and Pthoran occupation.

exp: 2,700
gold: 300
token: 1

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