February 08, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Aegon Serpico
Robert Greenfoot
Zumwalt Thresher
Fresh Crackbreeze
Alastair Swiftbeak
Lux Urius
Eri Akein


Treasure Hunting Havoc 4 (GM Plane)

Plot Synopsis

The party surveyed the large, three-story room of catwalks, with a 20 ft tall mech at the center and the spherical power source behind it. After some debate, Roche moved to the third floor and pulled a lever to open a hangar door and also summoned an undead giraffe to confuse the automata workers. Zumwalt charged, grappled, and crushed a worker so that only its eyes worked. Fresh summoned a cyclone on the mech, sending a worker out the hangar. Further combat ensued, in which workers fled, surrounding security drones were decommissioned, the giant mech was battered by the entire party and sent off the ship by Zumwalt, and Mattas worked on turning the valves on pipes to cut power to the ship and free the power source. After the fighting, Zumwalt carried Robert and Mattas to head to get their airship with Roche, and after noting the increased security, returned and got Eri and left Robert behind so they could heal. The group managed to get into the Visitor’s Center, break into their ship, and open the hangar door while crushing an automata’s hand around the lever. They then raced back to collect the rest of the party, who were hiding or distracting the incoming security mechs. Upon seeing the ship, the party raced to board it. After everyone was on the ship, they realized that they forgot the power source, and fed up with waiting, Mattas moved to turn off the last valve, and Roche quickly took the wheel. Fresh and Zumwalt joined him, and once the valve was turned, the Fleet’s ship started falling. Fresh managed to get the power source and headed over to Mattas, and set the power source down briefly to cast a spell to help their movement so they could return to the ship. Mattas, who was working with his device as Fresh approached, dove for the power source once it was on the ground. Fresh managed to magically shift Mattas so that he could not get the power source, and he fell through his portal without his bounty. The two then hurried to the ship, and they flew off to Mattas’ workshop with the power source.
Upon arriving, the party looted the place and did some brief shopping. The 24-hour mark passed, and they remained in this plane. They waited another day before returning to the workshop of KP9-4011 and KP9-3154, trading one of Mattas’ ships in exchange for returning to the basement. At the three-day mark, there was a flash of blue light, and they reappeared next to the giant portal in time to see Bunny faint and Mattas shove Ace through one of his personal portals, closing up behind him. Checking on Bunny, they find that she was only unconscious, likely from giving the portal more energy than expected since Ace was prematurely cut off. They learn that Mattas had appeared 16 hours prior, and after some discussion, he aided them in researching what planes the next part of the machine, the “manipulator”, could be located. She figures that one of these planes was likely where he and Ace went. Roche agrees to help Bunny power up the portal again after she’s rested, and the rest of the party discusses which plane to visit next in their quest to find Ace and create the dimension-making device.

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