Game Master
Noah Kauffman
Badigadi (Priest Lizard Six arms, 9ft tall, Demonic Patron)
Quinn (Angel chick with wings and insane bow skill)
FF-FE: Hell war 1-2
Plot Synopsis
games happened on 1/23/25 and 1/30/25
Summary: the party landed in the town of Viliford and were contacted by Charlie as well as Lamashtu (the Void flames) to go north and seek allies and disrupt the forces of Paimon, while gathering allies party learned of rumors that the their were other horsemen of the apocalypse here on this plane which piqued Za'afiel's interest. The party after getting supplied head north to the Grim gates. as they arrived at the grim gates the party encountered a group of infernals including an infernal bull that when it died, it's soul stayed intact and was going to resurrect the bull before it was destroyed by Za'afiel and Badigadi.
after the battle the party met with the barbarian warrior Alva who brought them to her village of warrior's rest. the party were brought to the elder who tasked them with heading off to an ancient gravesite that was used by the people of Warrior's Rest but was now disturbed by the infernals. party set off northwest and along the way they encountered an army of infernals and an army of the Beneath engaged in battle. the party aided the Beneath forces and allowed the Beneath to score a small victory. afterwards Quinn used her power to cast grave delve on one of the bodies. she learned through it that warriors from an alternate timeline of Kisiru had made their way here and taught the people of the north some of their ways. this was caused by a Kami known as the flame eternal, one that Quinn and other adventurers had killed previously. with this knowledge the party set out again and soon made took a rest where a myriad of events happened.
Sardar met a Kitsune spirit that has bound themselves to Sardar for mysterious purposes.
Za'afiel met with a ghost that told him of a book that is within the grave yard
Nissafors unfortunately met the god Mikaboshi who stole Nissafors eyes.
exp: 5,400 (2,700 both sessions)
gold: 600 (300 both sessions)
Noteworthy Postgame Events