February 06, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Leona Montoya


Vam-Pirates? Summon the Elector Counts!

Plot Synopsis

The party of adventurers was summoned to the Warhammer world. Phoebe showed up because she got lost on the way to Coruscant. Leona was playing with grenades, one blew up (as they tend to do) and created a portal, through which Khorne pulled her into the Warhammer world. Teclis showed up to recruit Zaria, who chased him back through his portal because as a Priestess of the Vigil she refused to have extraplanar incursions into Jaern. Aquarius was simply walking, walked through a portal without noticing, and ended up in the Warhammer world. Once the party was there, agents of the factions of order showed up to recruit them to stop a dark ritual they had sensed being performed by the insane vampire Admiral, Luthor Harkon. They were brought to Altdorf, the capital of the Empire of Man, to meet with the leaders of the factions of Order who were there, including Teclis, Karl Franz, Loeun Leoncouer, and Thorgrim Grudgebearer (who had a Mickey Mouse voice lol). After briefly being freaked out by Phoebe's mental communication, the party had the threat explained to them and were provided with a ship to go track it down and defeat it. As they were sailing, they came across Orc pirates, which were dealt with by a combination of Phoebe Negating the psionics holding their ship together, Aquarius mind controlling half the orcs to fight the other, etc. One Orc was teleported to a random location on the plane, which ended up right on Mickey-Mouse Grudgebearer's head, causing the Dwarfs to swear a grudge against the one responsible (not that they know it was Phoebe). They then came across the Vampires, who attempted to escape. Phoebe teleported over and Aquarius began to fly over, which left Zaria and Leona on the ship, at which point Leona's anklyosaurus, Vegemite, miraculously jumped into the water and began swimming to the ship. This let the party get together and take out the Vampires who kept summoning Zombie Pirates, ending when one vampire, Polly Cracker, sacrificed herself and all the zombies to save a nearly dead Luthor Harkon, who died anyway soon after, which caused the ritual to be stopped and the entire ship to fall apart, letting the party return to Altdorf triumphantly. With Harkon thoroughly destroyed enough that he would be unable to cause problems for years, they were paid for their help, before being returned home.

Noteworthy Postgame Events