Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Powder Shell (Hailey)
Smokestack (Andrew)
Wisteria (Emma)
Takehiko Eiko (Seth)
Damien (Srikar)
Ryne (Grant)
Floki (Blas)
A Crimson Aerie 1
Plot Synopsis
The party is summoned by Warlord Kentaro to oversee a fishing village known as Oishinara on the island of Ryushu, where they are promised an easy job with only light potential Bloodhawk activity. Twelve adventurers took the job. 7 of these were the party themselves, 4 of these were low-rate adventurers of no renown (NPCs), and one was a seagull-like eufalconi named Fleming, who Powder had met in a previous mission. After an afternoon of good food, gambling and entertainment, Fleming offers to show half the party a tourist attraction out of town limits, a large field of colorful flowers. Fleming, who was a Bloodhawk himself, was really leading the party away from the Bloodhawk attack to come. A massive Bloodhawk force attacked Oishinara, manned by trained battlemages and their new Kasha, a very powerful Earth and Fire mage who destroyed the entirety of the village. The session ends with Takehiko nearly dying after a savage mauling by the Kasha.
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