February 01, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Altiel Inare
Arlais LeChance
Ikeye'a Ay'tim
Karasu Ijikuri
Maxi Aethera


teambuilding puzzle labyrinth

Plot Synopsis

Most of the party, minus Ouros (and Null, but Ava isn't here yet) who are not in the goonion, go to the donut lounge
They meet Tsvetana, who makes protein smoothies for the team. Some go to the daisy gym and work out, some nap with a tired Lia.
Ouros attempts to nap in an old dusty conference room, then goes to Dragon's bookstore, who gives her a jar of magic pink liquid that attaches to her hands, not uncomfortably. Dragon asks for recommendations for books for Maxi.
The rest of the party enters, and they discuss the party’s past terrorist actions.
Inara finds a heavily notated book on how to play dominoes (and other games)
The party carves the table legs: there's an alligator breathing fire, geometric shapes, lightning shaped, and a fiery gopher
The zombie tabletop seems diseased, they need special polish at the middle of the labyrinth
They are able to etch the top of the table into a logo of like, a circle of hands clasped together with all the leg motifs merging at the top
Lia is very excited that she's to send them into the middle of the labyrinth
Tvsetana leaves to go get Fingers
First statue Tipo, Ikea goes through with a goonion card
Second statue Ilaria, Altiel finds the grave and gets through
Also Fingers works at a bar in the graveyard
In the themed in-between hallway, Null casts chaos magic and summons the shadow of a grocery-shopping clown. She feels the dread.
Third statue Brock, Karasu makes a 27 to hit trickshot to knock Brock’s bit coin into his blocky chain
Is able to do eyes closed, 720° spin with a kickflip off a wall and manages to not snap his neck on the landing
They rate the stars on Lia’s statue, and immediately start getting chased by a boulder
Maxi rates 4 stars (so it feels organic), Ouros rates 2 stars (cuz she's a hater)
For the boulder, they have to pick which way to go at various forks in the road, following Maxi’s lead
They discover that the more they interact with the stone things, the more alive they become. (Applies to the boulders and the statues)
Null finds a Jeremy bell and talks to it
Asks for Brock’s vibes
Karasu translates Jeremy's morse code, but they're still not friends
Jeremy says that there's something off about Brock
After outrunning the boulder, they go back to a door to a detective’s room that they found at the last fork
They find a few things: the room is littered with signs of Lia, her jackets and her puzzles. There's a photo on the desk of Lia, C. Williams, and Gopher. There's also a case file that details how Lia and Williams flirt through cases (and just, how they met)
Altiel replaces the desk picture in the frame with a sketch of Lia from the case notes
4th statue Idalia, they cover Goldie’s eyes and Arlais plays the harp
5th statue Amalia, Maxi reads the book she’s holding
Banger James Allen quote
Hints of a mild rivalry between Amalia and Lia (battle of the brains)
Inara finds a journal with notes on the labyrinth. She does not read it as to avoid spoilers
Arlais (?) finds a drawing of Amalia and Dragon at the opening of Dragon’s bookstore
6th statue Mia (with Isaac cameo), Inara sends her animals to the animal-less statue
7th statue Emelia, but Lakoth immediately calls the statue old and she hides what she's holding
An argument breaks out and is fixed
Ikeye’a can summon a stone Tipo now
Null takes Emelia’s MBA
The Emelia statue gets frustrated by Null and leaves, the shadow clown follows her out
Big statue room with the Don, Ouros presses the pink symbol on each pedestal
Oooh symbolism waow
Dragon and Gopher statue appears
Lakoth (and everyone) says hello. Dragon's statue moves. Gopher’s does not.
Arlais and Lakoth attempts to impress Ilaria’s statue
Lakoth succeeds more than Arlais does. She sits on a table badly and they bond over an inability to sit.
They get the table polish from a well in the center as the statues depart.
They finish the labyrinth and go to the meeting room where the table will be, where Al is still crushing Lia and dominoes. Tvsetana bet money on Al and is raking in the winnings.
The party finishes the table and moves it into the conference room!
Ikeye’a (and others) tell Lia they liked the puzzles :]

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