January 18, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Marek Morrill
Luin (Nuno)
Ningguang (Balumung)
Ignis (Connor)
Brim (Connor
Veltev (Jason)
Orzal (Sean)
Feare (Caroline)
Fallyn (Paige)
J.I.M (Cody)
Aria (Iris)


Fate of Chains: Rozmakhigrad I [Arenti, Cahyali; Pthora, Cahyali]

Plot Synopsis

The adventures made their way to the base camp for the operation to take Rozmakhigrad and free the city of chains. They talked with the steward before settling on going on the mission ‘To Kill a Commander’ for the government of Arenti. Once they arrived at Arenti army by portal, they were quickly guided to the ambush location. Once there the chosen cavalry separated the Pthoran Polisian Cataphract commander from his troops at the head of the column. The adventurers quickly challenged him and attacked him, suffering no deaths but dealing a total defeat to him. He died and his body was collected before the adventures fled the battle. After the completion of the battle the adventurers quickly negotiated with the commander to have the armor taken from the dead and captured pthoran soldiers be given to their forces.

Maddox was my Co-gm
Rewards: 2800 xp, 300 gc, 1 magic item token

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